
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


It has been a hectic week or so but we are returning to "normal." As some of you know my dad has been battling the effects of  Lewy Body dementia for the past 3-4 years. We describe Lewy Body as a " bad " combination of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Definitely not something you want anyone to have and especially your 67 year old father. Over the past 3 years we have had to watch as our father's body slowly shuts down.

At times his mind would be running through quadratic equations (although I have heard of quadratic equations ALL my life I still don't have a clue what one is) while his leg muscles would forget how to contract so he could stand.  At times I think how surreal his life must have seemed.

A week ago we buried my father after about two months of heroic struggles on his part. Although Daddy was not perfect, the life lessons and character traits he taught and displayed to my sister and I are priceless. My neighbor growing up gave a wonderful eulogy based on a project he and my dad worked on one summer. It had nothing to do with awards, fame or status- it was as humble and unpretentious as my father. Funny how a drainage project could shape a young boys life but it truly did.

Thank you all for your sweet cards and comments; they truly do mean so much when you are going through this. Now our task is to try to return to normal but at the same time keeping all those treasured moments fresh.

Sometimes I think the store is really just all about fluff. I mean, I am not saving lives, shaping young mind's or even righting wrongs- I'm simply hawking paper, ribbon and glitter to make something "pretty."
However last Tuesday when my youngest, Emory, read from a scrapbook my grandmother had kept of my dad's childhood I realized it was much more than a "pretty." It was part of my father's legacy and something we had of my dad's even after his body had grown weary. At that moment the pieces came together and it made perfect sense to own Paper Crown.

So remember, you never know when the smallest of actions will have a monumental impact, all that time and energy spent in creating is doing so very much more than creating a " pretty"  and it is amazing what alternative uses you can find for those items around the house- this has nothing to do with today's post but very soon I will share a funny story about my oh so practical and goofy daddy.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sorry Ann-Denise!

In such a hurry to get the summer classes posted that I left out two classes offered by Ann-Denise, the queen of crepe paper,  on Saturday, June 18th. Ann-Denise's classes are always fun and full of extras- tips, goodies, laughs!

 Crepe Paper 101
Saturday, June 18th
Ann-Denise, $50.00

Come learn from the master! In this workshop you will learn all sorts of tricks of the trade and all the special techniques associated with crepe paper. All crepe paper will be provided. If student has a sewing machine please bring to workshop, otherwise a machine will be available. Students are responsible for scissors and glue gun. The possibilities are endless for this class; this is a basic you won't want to miss!

4th of July Fun
Saturday, June 18th

As many of you know Ann-Denise and her very supportive family drive from Ft. Worth to teach at the Paper Crown. Therefore we like to make it worth their time so we will be having a second class on the 18th. We are not sure what this 4th of July goodie will be but I know you will love it. Actually class description will be coming soon but we wanted you to be aware of this second opportunity to enjoy an Ann-Denise class. How about makin' it an Ann-Denise day!

Call the store at 405 848 2389 to reserve your class spot.

Summer Classes Vol. 1

Hopefully this is just a small sampling of the adult classes scheduled at Paper Crown this summer.

Miss Independence
 Thursday, June 2
Medeah, $45.00

Come enjoy an evening of patriotic fun with Miss Medeah. You will create this festive Miss Independence which will be the perfect table decoration for your 4th of July festivities. This is will be a relaxing way to kick off the summer!

Recipe of Me
Thursday, June 9th
Unfortunately this Jackie class is full to the brim with a substantial waiting list. However don't despair, there is talk of a Christmas version for the holidays. Those of you that were quick enough to sign up will be stirring up some fun on the 9th.

Nature Book
Saturday, June 11th
Nicole, $45.00

There are still a few openings left in Nicole's first class at Paper Crown. We all love Nicole's bird book. It is full of details and very charming. If you are a bird lover or know someone who is, you won't want to miss this class. This is filling quickly so don't wait. 

 She Sells Seashells
Thursday, June 30th
Jackie, $45.00

Come join Jackie on this nautical adventure. This project features one of Catherine Moore's new mermaid stamps. There are also many other techniques used in this project that can be transferred to other project. This will be a "splash" for your buck. Act quickly before this project goes out to sea.

These are the classes I have for now but anticipate a few more for he summer months. Call the store at 405 848-2389 to reserve your class spot.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Come and get it

More goodies are still coming in- Today i unpacked the farewell lines from Girls' Paperie. We absolutely loved this company and are so sad to see them go. None of the paper lines are complete but I would say we have 65-75% of the papers for all three new lines- Jubilee, Vintage Whatnot and Kitch. We do have all the embellishments for all three lines and they are wonderful.

My advice is to get it early because unfortunately once it's gone it is gone for good!

I restocked the backroom wall with a ton of "new" merchandise that is 40% off. This is the perfect time for all of you girls in search of a bargain.

Medeah's La Paloma class is tomorrow at 6. It's not too late however you have to call the store to reserve your spot.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I have had a lot of comments and questions lately about classes and Kids Camps at Paper Crown. I haven't responded because to be honest, I'm not sure what we are going to do. We have had some issues come up in the past few months regarding all aspects of  the classes and I'm just trying to figure out the best solution for everyone. The classes take a lot of time to prepare and a lot of time to manage. I will be giving it much thought over the weekend and hopefully can come up with a solution that will please everyone- because at the moment no one is happy.  I seriously doubt classes will totally be abandoned, I know many of you love the classes and the teachers and I thank you for the support. Please be patient as I sort through this issue - I promise to let you know once I have made a decision.

I do know that Medeah's La Paloma class scheduled  for this coming Tuesday at 6:00 is a go. There are still a few openings available if you are interested. You know the drill, just call the store to reserve your spot.

A Happy Happy 19th Birthday to Katie Bug!
I can't believe my baby is 19- where did the time go!
You may be seeing a little of Katie around the store this summer
Katie's birthday present was inspired by something from Glitter Market, can you guess what it was?

If you haven't been in the store this week it is all new so swing by today and say hello to our singing clerk Cheri. For those of you waiting for Girl's Paperie, this will be the last collection they have retired/quit/ just gotten tired, it will be out on Monday.

As some of you know my father is not doing well. I anticipate next week might be a little ify so if you are making a special trip to the store, please call ahead. I'm just not sure what the week will bring. Thks for understanding.

Have a great weekend 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's a new store

I love our new front wall of COLOR!

Decided today that it's time to flip the store. The rainy/stormy day was the perfect time to switch everything around- well almost still a little let but enough to make a difference.  Come see what's new - and what you missed the first time around.

Reminder - Jackie's Under the Big Top class is tomorrow, Thursday from 5:30-8:30. There is one opening for that lucky someone.

Also Friday the 13th is the Flower Power painting class from 11-2. Openings available, just call Franc tomorrow to reserve your spot.

New October Afternoon- 5& Dime

The Melissa Frances vintage brooches are going quickly

Jackie's pink mantle is the perfect backdrop for the new Melissa Frances treats- Thks Jackie!!! 

Fun circus paper has a new home

Graphic 45 looks great on the black hutch

Cosmo Cricket- Hometown Summer

Beautiful Willow collection by Anna Griffin- nice to see this fresh crisp collection

My Mind's Eye Lime Twist made it's home on the wall of color

Carmen by Anna Griffin welcomes shoppers at the door

My Mind's Eye Lush

Tim Holtz wall of fame

Hope you have a great evening!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This Week's Creative Outlet

Under the Big Top
Thursday, May 12th

If you were inspired by all of Jackie's amazing creations at Glitter Market now is your chance to learn some of her tricks and create your own piece of art. We have ONE opening in Thursdays class and I guarantee it will be as much fun as the circus. Call Paper Crown to secure this spot " under the big top."

Flower Power
Friday, May 13th

Come dispel the old myth of Friday the 13th and have a lucky day painting this beautiful bouquet. The canvas is pre-sketched so there is no excuse that you can not draw. Hillari will walk you through the entire process one step at a time. The girls that did the1st painting class had so much fun that they all signed up for this one. It will be a fun and relaxing way to kick off the weekend. Come rediscover what it was about painting that you loved as a child.  

I am busy flipping the store -Come see all the new wonderful goodies!

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's a Creative Feast

Did I mention that we had 14 boxes that arrived at our dock on Friday. Here are some sneak peeks of some of the goodies:
All things vintage from Melissa Frances

Carmen by Anna Griffin
Scrapbook papers and matching album, file folders and magnetic board
Willow by Anna Griffin

Huge shipment of goodies from Tim Holtz including his take on frozen Charlottes
5&Dime from October Afternoon
Lime Twist from My Mind's Eye
Lots and lots of new treats!

What A Week

First and foremost, I hope you all had a fabulously wonderful and relaxing Mother's Day! These pretties were from the "kiddos" however none of them had any idea nor did they know where the present or cards came from. I have a feeling Prince Charming once again came to the rescue. He really is a Prince.

Whew! What a week last week. I thought it was going to be a quiet catch up kind week and it quickly went south- like way beyond South America to the South Pole south! Battled 2 months worth of sales tickets, 14 boxes of new stuff, the forces of evil, and death. I was a tired puppy on Saturday evening. I survived however and thank goodness it is a new week.

Such a mess last week that I didn't have a chance to recap our wonderful Glitter Market the weekend prior. A huge thanks to all of you that came out on Saturday the 30th to support Glitter Market. The weather was perfect and the art was divine. I'm sure there were a lot of moms that received an extra special present yesterday as a result of Glitter Market.  Thank you also to all of the vendors who made the event- let's face it without you there would be no Glitter Market. The time and energy you put into your merchandise was astounding. We truly have the most talented arts in OKC, as far as I'm concerned you all are the best!

Jackie lovelies- she must not sleep

Colorful mosaics by Amy Baldwin

Jemellia's cheerful aprons

Donna's paintings- the replica of the vintage wallpaper I wanted but was too late!

Valisha's whimsical paintings- one of the birds w/ a crown has a new home at the store

Linda and Brenda's goodies- One of those cute doll head paintings was my Mother's Day present to me!


Our tired but very happy group of vendors! Each and every one of you did a fabulous job I thank you from the bottom of my heart- and can't wait to see what you come up with in the fall!  I hope each and everyone of you had the most wonderful Mother's Day you deserve it!