
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tempting Treats

French Kiss from Glitz

New from Glitz "Pretty in Pink"

Happy Traveler from Glitz

New Prima Flowers

Prima sparkles

Actually we have EVERYTHING from Prima including the kitchen sink!

Quick break for me back to pricing all the new goodies!

Monday, February 27, 2012

This and That

Catherine Moore at Jackie's paper doll class

Catherine and Lana with Ms. Girdie

As I'm sure most of you know, we had a fun visitor last Thursday at Jackie's paper doll class. Catherine Moore, the creator of Character Construction stamps, and her sneaky friend and fellow artist Lana flew into town to surprise Jackie and the class. It was such a special treat for both the student's and Catherine. How often do we get to really see the joy that our hard work brings to others. It was a fun evening and a Paper Crown top 10.

Katie and two of her 5 roommates.

Unfortunately my participation was short lived because I headed down to Waco on Friday am to watch Katie perform with her sorority and a fraternity in All University Sing. They did a fantastic job and being the proud mom I thought they were by far the best. Lucky for them the judges felt the same and I got an excited phone call Saturday night at about midnight. Placing first at Sing is a big deal at Baylor and the countless hours they put into it is exhausting. I think you can YouTube Baylor Sing Kappa act and see a little bit. 

The fun is over and now it's back to work. Lots of new product arrived while I was gone. I will be checking in Prima, October Afternoon, Graphic 45 and Tim Holtz this week. There is a lot of stuff so please be patient- I guarantee it will be worth the wait. If you are wanting something in particular, it might be wise to call the store to see if I have gotten to it before you head over. Or better yet make it a daily trip to see what's new.

Classes Next Week...

Honeycomb Book
Tues., March 6th
This class is full but watch for other classes featuring Bee Keeper's Tea stamps. Students need to bring basic kit, book and glue gun.

House Canvas
Thurs., March 8th
Medeah, $45
Still a few openings but don't delay!

Book Binding Class
Sat., March 10th
Nicole, $55

Call the store at 848-2389, to reserve your class seat in the house canvas or book binding class.

New My Mind's Eye- Ms. Caroline and Follow Your Heart

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Buck Up

That is my phrase. I don't use it a lot but I do when the time comes to get my nose to the grindstone and get movin'. Or when I dive head first into the pit and need to shimmy my way out. I'll admit I once told a kindergartner on a field trip to " buck up " - the whining and complaining was driving us all crazy. I never lived that one down at school. That same little whining kindergartners told Katie on facebook recently that she remembered her nice mom.  I guess I didn't scar her for life- Whew!

Anyway it's time to buck up at Paper Crown, we have lots of work and projects to tackle this week. 

Thurs., Feb 23rd

Thursday is the first of Jackie's classes using Catherine Moore's new Character Construction stamps, the Bee Keeper's Tea. This class is full but Jackie will be doing another class with these fun stamps on March 6th. If you are attending the class this Thursday please be on time, we have a full house. Also please bring detail scissors, adhesive and colored pencils or markers to color your doll.

The first shipment of Bee Keeper's Tea stamps flew out the door but we should have a complete new shipment by the end of the week!

Up Up and Away
Sat., Feb 25th
11-3, Ann-Denise

One of our favorite Texas gals will be at the store on Saturday to teach this fun paper mache class. You will learn how to take this adorable frozen Charlotte to new heights. This will be a fun class and we can all benefit from learning a new technique. There are a few openings but don't delay.

To sign up for class just call the store at 848-2389

The doorbell should be ringing a lot this week. New CHA shipments are expected from- Prima, Tim Holtz, Making Memories and Glitz. I'm not sure when the items will arrive but all should be out by the beginning of next week.   

New items ready for purchase:

Lots of fun tags, flashcards and journaling calendars from a company new to me, Elle's Studio. These fun tags make journaling and recording life's important moments a snap- and they are so cute!

Consistently one of my favorites and they are so nice to deal with is My Mind's Eye. We have their two new collections, Ms. Caroline and Follow your Heart.  Both have the most unique embellishments and beautiful paper.

Because of all the new merchandise arriving in the next few weeks, our sale room will be packed up tomorrow. If you haven't been by now is the time- all Christmas and Valentine's paper and embellishments are 75% off, all other embellishments are 40% off and paper is a dime! It will be packed up on Wednesday so no dilly dallying.

The doorbell is ringing so I guess it's time for me to " buck up!" see you soon!  

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Heart Day!

My kid's always called it heart day instead of Valentine's- kinda sweet. Usually on Valentine's Day I wear a clay heart one of them made in pre-school at Little Red Schoolhouse. When I went to get it today I remembered the clay on the last one just crumbled last year. Maybe I can get my 19, 17 and 13 yr olds to make their mama a new one. I can tempted them with candy : )

Brenda Wright's " Bee Mine" doll
 The turnout for the paper doll swap was AMAZING! I was so pleased with the turn out and the creativity was over the top.
Carla Henderson's doll was a cute on the front as on the back.

Love her little cone backpack with flowers!

I am so sorry Franc, I have tried for 30mins to turn your cutie and my computer is fighting me- and WON! 

This cutie pie from miss Arlene came all the way from Tulsa

This Miss is also a T town girl- I'm a little partial since I am also.

Nan Nix's doll was created from a vintage paper doll.

This doll is from Becky Bullard, who has 3 live dolls at her home!

This sassy miss is from the quilt artist, Martha Green

Once again my computer has won. This doll is from Jude Tolar and the doll's hat and bowl are copies of a pastel Jude draw and had reduced to fit the doll.


They were all fabulous and since our judge couldn't pick between two, we decided to have two winners....


Amy Baldwin's Beauty complete with a heart shaped lock


This handsome duo from Fran McClintock!

Congrats to Amy and Fran on their dolls ! 

Can't think of a better way to celebrate Valentine's day that with these creative cuties- however one of Jackie's famous iced cookies would be perfect. I hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day full of sweet treats!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cupid Need a Little Help?

At times we all need a little help, even cupid. If you can't find that perfect card why not create your own card. It is a breeze with the new Doodlebug line. There are cards and envelopes in all shapes and sizes and a fun assortment of embellishments and stickers which make creating that masterpiece a snap. What's even better, the cost is right. Just .85 per card and envelope. 

This are great for school age kids who want to make a special Valentine for a favorite teacher, grandparent, parent or special friend.

If you are up for a bigger challenge, how about a Valentine's paper doll
If you are up for a bigger challenge, how about a Valentine's paper doll. I love this Character Construction stamp and her pinafore is perfect for Valentine's. Your special girlfriend would love to receive one of these for Valentine's- it's a ton better a store bought card.

Just in case you are wondering what to get your sweetheart, young or old, these bracelets are a hit. I think this is the prettiest shipment we have ever received and not only do they make the recipient smile but a portion of the proceeds go back to help the women and children in the Nepal village where they are created.

A special thank you to everyone who helped us wish Ms. Cheri well on her upcoming marriage this Saturday. We had a great time and as you would suspect, Cheri had us all laughing. Her home will be filled with laughter and song I am sure.

Valentine doll winner will be announced tomorrow- it seemed appropriate for Valentine's day! They are each so amazing- I'm humbled by the talent that walks in this store each and every day!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wedding Bells Are Ringing

As many of you know, Paper Crown's number one employee- she has also been here longer than ANYONE, most knowledgeable re: scrapbooking, speediest on the register and has an amazing voice- will soon be trading her "Miss" for a "Mrs."

Come join us this Saturday, February 11th from 4:30-6 as we have a come and go make and take shower for Cheri. You can wish her well on her upcoming marriage, enjoy some tasty treats and do a little crafting. Since Cheri is the only one here who consistently scrapbooks, we will each be doing a make and take to give Cheri for her album.

We hope you can join Cheri's sister, Stephanie, and I in wishing Cheri a life "happily ever after!" 

 Since we loved the Basic Grey " Hello Luscious" line as paper, I decided the fabric line had to be as equally "luscious" and I must say it is! We have all been incorporating some fabric into some of our projects so here is a chance to work with an old favorite. We have both the jelly rolls and the square packs. 

Also just in time for Valentine's DAY....

The most beautiful shipment of bracelets ever! All your sweethearts ages 8-88 will love these. Just allow a little time to select your treat, there are so many beautiful ones it's hard to choose.

Valentine's Paper Dolls are due tomorrow. But I might let you twist my arm and have until Saturday, just PLEASE call and let me know it's on it's way. They are ALL amazing! This was the first one I received this week...


More dollies tomorrow but for those of you not finished yet- chop, chop ;)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kid's Camp

Last Sunday was Kid's Camp and as you can see, we had a little Valentine's project. We used some crayons to color our hearts and then water colored over the entire picture. Once that was dry, we then did some creative rubber cement squiggles, let those dry and went over the enire picture again with another water color coat. Depending on the watercolor selected, some of the hearts lost their "pop" so several went over their hearts with pastels.

 In addition to crafting we did a little snacking, chatting and always somehow always,  a little dancing.

Paper Crown hosts Kid's Camp typically once a month, sometimes twice depending on the project, on Sunday afternoons from 2-5. Cost varies depending on the project and time constraints but it is typically $75. Upcoming Kid's Camp dates are:

Sun., March 4th
Sun., April 15th

To sign up for Kid's Camp just call the store at 848-2389

How are those Valentine paper dolls coming?
Wait til you see the doll I got in today, incredible!
She desires a posting all to herself- stay tuned for Wed.

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Busy February

February is lining up to be a quite hectic month. We are only 6 days into the month and have already had a full house for one class and a gaggle of giggling kiddos for Kid's Camp. In addition to all the scheduled events and classes, February is one of our big months for new products. CHA was just last week and all the spring goodies will be arriving soon. In fact the first spring shipment, Webster's Pages Sunday Picnic, arrived on Friday. I anticipate getting some shipments every week for at least the next month. It's kinda like Christmas all over again.

I thought it might be a good idea to highlight the month's activities so here we go...

Jackie's Basic Technique Valentine Board
Thurs., Feb 9th

Also this week...
Nicole's Envelope Love Book
Sat., Feb. 11th

While you are at the store on Saturday the 11th, join us in wishing our favorite singing clerk, Cheri, well on her upcoming marriage. From 4:30- 6:00 we will have refreshments and a craft you can share with the newly weds.

Friday, Feb. 10th  the entries for the Valentine's paper doll swap are due and your doll may be picked up on Monday, Feb. 13th. It's not too late- all we ask is that you make a Valentine themed paper doll. The sky is the limit!  The most festive Valentine doll will win a $40 Paper Crown Gift card.  I have it on good authority Ms. Jackie has sat this one out so all of you that thought there was no way you could beat the master - game on!

Feb. 15th all Valentine's Paper and Embellishments are 75% off- Our treat to you!

Jackie's Bee Keeper's Tea Paper Doll Class
Thurs., Feb 23rd

and last for the month but certainly not least...

Ann-Denise's Up Up in the Air Paper Mach Class 
Sat., Feb 25th

Lots going on this month as you can see. The classes are filling up but we have a few openings left. To sign up contact Paper Crown, 848-2389.

Now go get busy on the those Valentine dolls! ;)