
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer Postcard Contest

As you can see Miss Girdie has a new travel suit, straw hat, maps and her suitcases are all packed...

However there is one small problem, Miss Girdie is tied (literally) to the store this summer. Someone has to hold down the fort. So to help appease our very disappointed Miss Girdie, we decided to have our first annual Paper Crown postcard contest.

The rules are easy. As you go on your travels this summer, just drop Miss Girdie a postcard of your adventures. We will hang the cards so Miss Girdie can life vicariously through you and your suitcases. Each postcard, either purchased or homemade, will enter you in a drawing for a $50.00 Paper Crown gift certificate. Contest will run from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Postcards can be sent to:

Help us fill Girdie's mailbox and possibly win a Paper Crown gift certificate just in time for the new winter CHA goodies- yes, I have already ordered some Halloween.

 Happy Travels and don't forget Girdie

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Beautiful MESS!

What better way to describe the back table than a beautiful mess! It was time to do some spring cleaning so the back table is loaded up with new goodies all 40% off.

And more goodies at 40% off and still more....

In addition to the embellishments, the printed paper on the back two towers is all .10 each. It's a great time to stock up.

Just in, 4 lines from Lilybee Design....

 Come check out the mess!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I have had France on the brain lately. I think it started with our visit from Mademoiselle Copeland and all her wonderful French goodies and was fueled by my upcoming art trip to France. Then just to make sure the spark doesn't waver, we just received a our inaugural shipment of goodies from French General.

French General is a wonderful store in California created by the talented Kaari Meng. Although I have never been there- someday- I have seen wonderful photos and heard from many how divine it is. She has a beautiful line of fabrics and now a line of art supplies.

Lots of embellishments, ribbon, tags and jewels to give your art projects that  "oh la la ." We also have a beautiful collections of cream. red and blue papers and adhesive fabric pieces. It is a unique collection and supplies are limited so it's best not to wait.

We are busy ironing out all the details for the summer but it should be tres fantastique.

Summer classes begin tomorrow with Medeah's  "Sail Away". Still time to sign up!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer Classes

School is out and it's time to relax! It's a perfect time to create, share and preserve some memories. We have a few treats in store for the summer - some tried and true and a few new. More on those later this week but I thought it would be a good idea to give you a preview of the summer classes I have scheduled so far. Hopefully some of our friends in TX will be able to come up for a class or two and possibly some old favorites will return with a new twist. For now however.....

Sail Away
 Thurs., May 24th
5:30-8:30, $45.00

4th July Firecracker
Thurs., May 31st
5:30-8:30, $45.00

4th July Canvas
Thurs., June 7th
5:30-8:30, $40.00

Travel Journal
Thurs., July 12th
5:30-8:30, $45.00

Mystery Book
Thurs., July 26th
5:30-8:30, $45.00

To reserve your class seat call the store at 405 848-2389.

New items at the store: Websters Everyday Poetry, In Love, Game On & Palm Beach, October Afternoon 9 to 5, Prima Fairy Belle and Doodle Deux also....

New Renaissance ribbons and

French General paper and embellishments.

Hope you can enjoy this beautiful weather

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


It's almost back to normal.

My sense of accomplishment is very short lived. UPS just came time to unpack new Prima, ribbon, & French General . Oh dear it's back to the drawing board. New shipment of beaded bracelets from Nepal will be here Friday- at least they don't take up much room!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It was a Dusty Weekend

When the kiddos were little I started a tradition of chalking the sidewalk on special occasions. I think it was all those late night trips taking the kids chalking. I decided why should they have ALL the fun.

When we got home from church on Sunday afternoon I was greeted by this....

Some art work from two of my favorite little artists- Mr. Beau and my favorite red head (and I'm not much of a fan but I adore this one! )

This is why I get so frustrated with this blog. I have been trying for 20 mins to turn this pic around and it is just not cooperating. Any way I suspect this artists, Lucy and Beau, came by after church to wish me a happy Mother's Day- thoughtful kiddos and a very thoughtful mom- thanks Julie!

I never get chalked so I was tinkled pink. However I came home later that day from lacrosse practice, Em not me, and this was waiting for me... 

Wait a minute, Em was with me, Katie was on her way home from Ft. Worth and it wasn't Austin. That leaves Payne, my 17 yr old son who likes his mom but he is a 17 yr old boy need i say more?  Did he really do that?!  He did and it was the best present ever. Thanks bud you made your mom's year- and I hope it never rains or at least on my crumbling driveway!

But the chalking wasn't quite done because Sunday also happened to be Katie's 20th b-day so it was my turn.

So 20- actually 21 candles lined the sidewalk (I was still in shock over Payne's creation and I couldn't count) with Katie's b-day greeting.

The b-day girl with her red velvet cake courtesy of the Pioneer Woman- it was easy and oh so yummy!

Katie left this am at 3:45 for a mission trip to Guatemala. I hope she doesn't try to smuggle a baby back from the orphanage but I wouldn't be surprised.  It was a good weekend and thanks to All those wise people who told me things would turn around- just be patient- you were right,  all of you especially prince charming- I know you love to hear those 3 words!

I'm in the middle of flipping the store so come see what is new- 4 lines of Webster's Pages, October Afternoon be here this week along with new Prima and French General! Life is Good and hopefully it won't rain and wash away my sidewalks for a long time! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spiffing Up

It's time to do some Spring cleaning and rearranging at the Paper Crown. We just received 6 new lines from My Mind's Eye. I think Indie Chic is my favorite, bright summer colors and lots of fun washi tapes!

I think my favorite part of store ownership is creating new displays. In the process I make a HUGE mess but I love the creative process. I was even able to do some extra creating because Katie is home from college and just felt like hanging out with mom. We have had a lot of "hanging w moms" at the store lately and I know us moms are thrilled- snoopy dance thrilled- but we have to keep it undercover.

Don't forget Mother's Day is Sunday and we have lots of fun gift ideas for both the crafty and not so crafty moms.

REMINDER - Jackie's glove book class is this Thursday

If you are enrolled in this class please don't forget- corner rounder and cropadile if you have them, pair of gloves, scissors, glue stick  and 4-6 11/2"-2" photos that have been copied by laser print ( INK JET does not work).

Webster's Pages arrive on Friday and be out on Monday. Also arriving soon Prima, French General, Colette Copeland stamps ( we miss you!)  and new shipment of beaded bracelets !  

Monday, May 7, 2012

Merci Colette!

What a fun weekend we had! Last Friday and Saturday we were lucky enough to learn from our favorite Canadian artist, Miss Colette Copeland. As you can tell from the picture, a wonderful time was had by all.

We were so very lucky to have Colette for two days of classes and inspiration. Not only is she extemely talented but such a very nice person. We all sat mesmerized by her stories- she has lead such an interesting and full life- and awe struck by her art.  Those in her classes were able to purchase pieces from Colette's collection but never fear, she has agreed to come to Glitter Market in November with a trunk of treasures.

One of the classses offered was this adorable stuffed cottage. Two of Paper Crown's favorites and good friends of Colette, Jemellia and Robin , came to share a day of fun and get caught up with their friend.

Two of our other favorites, Bobbie and Linda, even had Colette ohh and ahhing over their cottages.

 On Saturday we made the cutest stuffed birds. Renee with her " tweet" birdie.

Thanks to everyone who came out this weekend to help welcome Colette to Oklahoma. I think she had a wonderful time and I hope she will visit us many many more times. We really were so very lucky to land Colette and I'm so appreciative of her making the long trip south.

Thanks also to Jackie for helping me with the hostessing duties, you truly are the hostess with the mostest!

 Three new My Mind's Eye lines arrived last week and I believe all 4 Webster lines should be here by the end of the week. Webster's promised they would leave the plant by this afternoon.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Don't Miss It!

Next weekend will be special at the Paper Crown! We have a special teacher coming all the way from Canada to teach 2 classes on Friday May 4th and 2 more on saturday May 5. This "Special Artist Teacher" is none other than Colette Copeland. If you have ever picked up a Somerset Magazine you have probably seen some of Colette's art work. She has been featured many many times and we feel so privleged to have her come and teach. You all are in for a real treat who have already signed up and if you have not we have a few more spots left. You don't want to be one of those who after the weekend and don't sign up, then you hear all about these classes and wish you would of signed up...........if you go to the Paper Crown blog on my side bar you can see the photos and information on these classes. I do know that some of the supplies Colette will be using in these classes are from France.........who wouldn't want to use supplies and materials from France. 

Here are the classes, we still have open spots in every class left, call asap to reserve your spot so you don't miss out! :)  Paper Crown:  (405) 848-2389


Fri., May 4th 10-1


Sat., May 5th 10-1

Colette, $90

Paper Collage Bird

Fri., May 4th


Collette, $90


Sat., May 5th


Colette, $90

For Each of Colette's classes you will need to bring a needle, thread and scissors.  Everything else will be provided.  Thank you!