
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Glitter Market Sneak Peek- Linda Land & Brenda Little

I'm so very happy to announce that this, more artistic talent than any two people should ever posses, duo will be with us at Glitter Market Saturday. Honestly these two have enough talent for a couple of dozen people. Brenda and Linda have been with us before at Glitter Market but Brenda moved down to muggy Houston for a couple of years. Brenda has moved back home and we are so very glad she will be joining us.

I'm not sure what Brenda has up her sleeve but I am intrigued and know beyond a doubt, I will love it!

Linda is bringing a beautiful zinnia series. These are perfect for our spring Glitter Market. I think I might need to add it to my Linda Land gallery on my staircase.

These two talented ladies are so fun to have at Glitter Market. You will not want to miss their table.

P.S. Lisa N can you ask Linda to teach another class. I think you are the one that broke her last Glitter Market and her class was so very fun!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Not Too Late

Have you always wanted to take from a Somerset Studio featured artists? Colette Copeland has been featured in almost all of the numerous Somerset magazines and she will be in OK this Thursday to teach a palette knife painting class.

You can join Colette in this special class this Thursday, May 1 at 5:30 pm. Cost is $60 and you can reserve your seat by calling Paper Crown, 405 848-2389.

Disappointed you can't make Thursday's class? Catch Colette on Saturday, May 3rd at Glitter Market. She will have a large collection of her work for sale. I bet some you might have even seen in one of your favorite magazines!

Glitter Market Sneak Peek- Nanette Nix

Love, love , love this doll! Nan has a series of ice cream eating cuties and I have a feeling the mad table rush will be for this cutie who lost her grip. Nan has been a Paper Crown girl for many years and we are so very happy that she is all well and able to join us this spring as a vendor. I think Nan was an original Glitter Market artist way back when : )

Adorable mixed media canvas
Not only is Nan incredibly talented but one of the nicest people you will ever meet.
You won't want to miss Nan's table at Glitter Market this Saturday, May 3.
Better be there at 10 or you will miss our pouting doll

Monday, April 28, 2014

Glitter Market Sneak Peek- Lori Chipera

Today's Glitter Market sneak peek is a first time vendor at our market but definitely not to doll world. Lori Chipera has been creating wire armature dolls for many years and has been featured in many doll magazines.
Lori has been a Paper Crown customer for a while, but it wasn't until this Christmas when she brought me a beautiful Santa that I got to see her amazing creations. I immediately told her about Glitter Market and was thrilled we she agreed to vend at the Spring Market.
Lori will trade in her Santas for a forest of the most enchanting fairies. Amy and I squealed with delight as she unwrap each fairy. We honestly had such a hard time picking out a favorite; we wanted them all! Each fairy is sitting atop a vintage figurine and is embellished with a magical mix of vintage goodies. I predict a Glitter Market favorite. Come see Lori's enchanting fairies this Saturday at Paper Crown's  Glitter Market.  

Friday, April 25, 2014

It's Glitter Market Week

 Actually Glitter Market is not a week, just one sensational Saturday but we love to use the whole week before Glitter Market to preview our talented vendors and all of their goods you will be wanting next Saturday, May 3rd.
Glitter Market will be held at Paper Crown this year since we have a new wonderful room upstairs. I don't think we have had Market at the store since the first Glitter Market, 5ish years ago! It's a fun day of shopping, seeing old friends and tasty treats. This spring we will have some veteran Glitter Market vendors in addition to some soon to be favorite new comers! Doors will open at 10 am but the line usually starts forming at 8 am. For the most part, it is a cash only market; however, it is up to each vendor to decide if they want to take checks and a few might have the ability to take credit cards. We want you to be aware so you don't miss out on that special something.

Our very first sneak peek is from a veteran Glitter Market vendor and the artists furthest from home, Colette Copeland. Colette is a Canadian artist and if you follow her blog,  or follow her in the Somerset magazines, you know she has been busy getting ready for Glitter Market. Colette has a large collection of whimsical textiles, collages, paintings and other surprises. Colette is very good to Paper Crown and has given our store a mention several times in various Somerset magazines. The most recent issue of Somerset Studio has an article on Colette and the June Sew Somerset will feature Colette's kites, inspired by last year's Glitter Market!
Here's Your Chance to Learn
 from a Somerset Artist
In addition to being a vendor, Colette has agreed to teach a palette knife painting class the Thursday before Glitter Market. You won't want to miss out on this class as Colette shares her techniques with the ladies of Paper Crown. Colette's art class is this Thursday evening, May 1 from 5:30-8:30. Cost is $60. to reserve your seat, Call Paper Crown, 405 848-2389. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Just In

New October Afternoon and Cavallini, always worth the wait...

Daily Flash " All Boy"

Daily Flash " Snapshot"

Daily Flash " Girl Talk"

Several fun new roller stamps by October Afternoon

Lots of new large sheets from Cavallini. Perfect for wrapping, framing, collaging.

And a couple of this little chickie. Everyone wants this girl..


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

One Last Look- thank you Savannah!

One last look at Paper Crown Glittered Retreat. These beautiful photographs were taken by Bobbie's talented and gorgeous- she takes after her mama- daughter Savannah. Savannah and her husband have their own photography company, and I highly recommend them. Not only did they take these amazing pics of Glittered Retreat but they also took Payne's Senior pictures and Katie is SOOOOO jealous.

I think Savannah's pictures are the perfect finale to a pretty perfect event- Thanks girls and enjoy!