
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Jackie!

Happy, happy Birthday Jackie!
Hope you had the most wonderful day
( I have a feeling you did! )
Get to bed early, you have a busy weekend-
Your slave driver of a " boss" who loves you dearly!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Flip Flop

It looks like a tornado went through the back room- 12 new lines unpacked in the last two weeks. That's a lot of paper!

However, the store flip flop has begun and by Friday it will be a all new store and we will be ready for our Character Construction weekend. Arriving yesterday, a box full of our favorite Character Construction stamps. Stop by before Friday to get your favorites.
Slowly but surely we are creating beautiful vignettes with all the new products- it is sure to inspire your creativity.


Thursday, June 19, 2014

End June with a Bang!

I can't believe June is almost over. Guess that happens when you are away for most of it : ) However I am getting back into the routine of things and we will be closing out June in style.

Jackie will be teaching one of her specialties, Character Construction paper dolls, in three very special classes next weekend. If you have been wanting to try your hand at these beautiful and addicting paper dolls, this weekend is for you!

The first of three classes is the travel journal Friday, June 27th from 1-5, wooden santos is Saturday, June 28th 10:30-1 and final class is the pinwheel Saturday, June 28th 2:30-5.

 Travel Journal
Friday, June 27th 1-5
 Wooden Santos
Saturday, June 28th
Patriotic Pinwheel
Saturday, June 28th
We only have a couple of spaces left in each class so don't delay.
 To sign up call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389
Have a great day- it's a perfect craft day!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Most Memorable Day

Home Sweet Home! For the past few weeks I have been taking a little break and off at adult summer camp- in Italy. Last fall when Debby Schuh was at Paper Crown teaching, she mentioned an Italian retreat hosted by Carolyn Peeler and Terri Brush, La Dolce Vita- the sweet life. It was full but on a whim, I decided to put my name on the waiting list. Forward a few months later and the morning of my birthday, the first email I opened was from Carolyn telling me there was a cancellation. It was meant to be : )

The holidays, a couple of Glitter Markets, a Glitter Retreat and a graduation later, I found myself on a plane the end of May headed to Italy. I honestly had been so busy I really hadn't had time to give it a lot of thought and wondered during the ride over if I had made a mistake or if it would be as wonderful as previous retreats.  It was absolutely AMAZING!!

In fact, it was so amazing that I have had a hard time posting about it because I know there is no way I can do it justice- and the fact I left my camera in Dallas so no pics. Or at least not the good ones, only those from my phone.

Thought I would try and break through the writers' block today and post about one of my favorite days of the retreat (these pics happened to be on my phone).

One day we had a cooking class at the estate of a Count- yep, a real life royalty



We each helped prepare a portion of the meal.

I was the official pasta crimper. I took the filled pasta circles, did a flip over and a little bending and crimping to make this tortellini. Flippo said he was impressed with how quickly we picked it up- he might have just been saying that to be nice: )

 The best meal EVER- as evidenced by the pasta pic.
Our happy-and full hosts!
Lunch with the count- just a normal noon meal- NOT!
I promise to post more pics as soon as I get my camera. It was an amazing experience and one I would love to share with the Paper Crown ladies. There was even a little talk about having a group from Paper Crown go over - any takers?
I can't wait to share more about this retreat. Carolyn, Terri and Tiffany did a fantastic job planning it and the projects were out of this world. I think what I enjoyed even more were the quick but intense friendships that were formed in a week!