
Thursday, June 30, 2016


In keeping with this week's theme.... Katie will very, very reluctantly get on a plane tomorrow to return to the States after spending 3 weeks teaching/serving in Africa. She said it is going to be one of the hardest things she has done.

Such happy faces- well, most of them. I told her Joseph might just be a little camera shy. She is so much braver, thoughtful and globally minded than I was at her age- or truth be told, than I am  now. So very proud of her and astonished at the young woman she has become.

She said mama I really want to go back. I knew she would, even before she left Dallas ; )
 Safe travels Bug; it isn't good bye but just a break in the hugs! ox

Holiday Hours

If you are in town this weekend for the 4th, come see us!
We will be open regular hours the remainder of the week- Thurs. & Fri., 10-5 and Sat. !0-3.
We still have a good selection of patriotic paper and embellishments for any last minute projects.
If you have a craft or art project we are your go to stop. We also have a large selection of planner items.  
Closed Sun., 7/3 & Mon.,7/4
 for the 4th!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

I Love Me This House

I was called out yesterday for using "poor grammar." I think the exact words were "you are an English major and even worked for Dr. Wortman." well Mr. Smarty Pants the phrase " I Love Me Some Home" comes from the lyrics of Home by Johnnyswim ( If you aren't familiar I highly recommend you check them out on iTunes) who just happens to be the opening song on Fixer Upper which seemed quite appropriate. And guess what, I'm doing it again today!

One perk from our weekend with Stephanie was in addition to taking a special bible journaling class from The talented, nicest and inspiring Stephanie, we were able to be awash in all things Magnolia.

I have driven by these silos hundreds of times over the past 30 yrs and until recently haven't given them much of a second thought. They really were kind of an eye sore and a forgotten reminder of what built Waco. The Gaines vision has changed all of that and they taken a forgotten piece of Waco history and turned it into one of Waco's biggest assets.

Our Paper Crown group with bags galore!

Even if you don't like shopping it is worth it just to see the complex and how well it is created. To have that spectacular sense of vision is an impressive talent. There is the main building with the home goods, the bakery which I think we missed opening by a day or two- but we got delicious free lemon lavendar cupcakes without the wait so add that to our list of blessings, a seed and gardening store and the open area with picnic tables , shelter, games for the kids and food trucks. All that attention to detail makes me exhausted! And the shopping is great, definitely worth a stop!

Lunch at Olive Branch one of Katie's favorites and where her roommate Hannah worked while at BU.
Ya'll are officially in Bear Countrty!

Another favorite Manny's on the River. It's a Dallas favorite and they opened last year in Waco. Great huge outdoor patio but since we were going to be outside all day Saturday we opted for AC.

Drum Roll Please.....
Magnolia House

Deep, Deep Sigh !

 I forgot to post a picture yesterday of all the Bible covers created

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I Love Me Some Home

It appears I have taken this phrase to heart lately.

 At the moment I have a lot of "homes"- my home in OKC, Austin's home in Dallas, "Happy Place" home at Paper Crown, Austin's dream of a safe house home for girl's who need a fresh start and love, Katie's dream of "Hannah's House" home where African girls who have been orphaned are taken care of and nutured, and a my dream along with others of a " creative home" where ladies can spend a few days together creating, sharing, bonding and recharging. I'm like a mother hen gathering (I hadn't thought of it until Sat., thank you friends for being so very insightful) her chicks. Some of these homes are realized and others are just seeds drifting in the wind hoping to find fertile soil where the can grow- we will just have to be patience, pray and dream.

Last weekend I was given the blessing of taking a few friends to a place I have called home- Waco. In college if you would have told me in 30 yrs I would be bringing a group to Waco for the weekend I probably would have asked " why?!"  Waco was a great sleepy town and one I have always loved but not a lot to do- my, my how things have changed.

We headed south because were invited by Stephanie Ackerman to attend a bible journaling class at the Magnolia House. It was a double blessing, we got to take and be inspired by Stephanie and enjoy all things Magnolia.

It was a little toasty but honestly, we didn't care AT ALL!


Stephanie and her sister made sure we all were taken care of and felt at " home." Unfortunately, Jennifer may have taken a little bit of "home" with her to CA- chiggers. I hope you were able to leave that reminder of the weekend in Waco. :)

Class was a mix of ladies from OKC and TX with a cornhusker, Jennifer A., thrown into the mix. We were all a little awestruck by this opportunity. Twenty + women with ear to ear smiles is a great thing!


We spent a majority of the day painting canvas covers for our new journaling bibles and then began some journaling.

Happy, Happy Faces!
Love this picture of Amy and her best friend Jennifer from NE. So glad these two could share this weekend.
It was a very quick trip for Lisa but I know she would do it again in a heartbeat!
Thank you for my gift! I love it and especially what it says, it's even more special than you realize!
Nancy and I had some issues with Siri Saturday morning. Thanks to all our classmates and Stephanie for being patient while you waited for us to arrive - with the supplies! When I arrived very late and flustered, Lisa gifted me with a cuff-thks friend!


Mary Ann and her husband run the Magnolia House and made sure everything was absolutely perfect. A huge thank you to them for making our visit magical.

Two Texans- Tara came with her mom and they have Royer's Pie Haven in Round Top. You might have seen an article on them in a Somerset Magazine. The pie is definitely as good as they say! On the right is Martha from Waco and I just realized this morning she is friends with one of my college roommates, Susan P.

Jill and Colleen  with Tara's mom. I loved her tshirt I think it said " Be Brave  and Eat Pie"

Meet poor Jamie who was unfortunate enough to sit by me. Stephanie had water bottles on the tables so we could " mist" each other if it got too hot. I managed to "mist" Jamie with a hard and fast stream right in the eye. I don't know what  I was thinking. Jamie is a  sweetheart; I might have pushed me to another table.   

Lunch in the gazebo
Criss cross applesauce!

Robin and her traveling buddy Alisa

Colleen on the left was Stephanie's hairdresser in CA who is now a Texan.

Dr. Pepper the official drink of Waco.


It's so very hard to put this weekend into words but I know we are all so very grateful for the opportunity and blessed by the experience and new frienships. Thank you Stephanie and Joanna for sharing your dreams with us. We are anxious to see how these dreams will grow to something even larger than you could imagine- Thank you and keep the faith : )! ox