
Thursday, May 25, 2017

A Little Surprise

In the midst of last week's graduations, we had a little (or actually a BIG) surprise on Saturday. My baby is getting married!!! I (and Stephanie A and her sis, Jen ) have known since March when Stephanie was at Paper Crown to teach. When James wanted to stop by the store for a little chat over coffee we were suspicious and when he walked in with his Bible, it was a sure thing - and such a comforting gesture as a mom. Us girls talked about the wedding over dinner but then had to be
 "mums the word " until this weekend.

Congratulations you two!
love you! 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Summer Fun with Julie Haymaker

I have a very special treat for ya'll in July and I know you won't want to miss. Julie Haymaker has agreed to come to Paper Crown to teach a trio of  fresh and unique classes. Julie has taken shrink to a whole new out of this world level!. In each of the three classes, we will be making necklaces partially composed of the most amazing shrink elements. Julie has a new line of forms, Shrinkets, that help you shape the shrink flowers and we will be using these in class. There will also be some beading and soldering in these classes. If you have never soldered, don't fret, Julie will expertly and patiently guide you through to a finished necklace. These necklaces are beautiful and you will not want to miss adding this to your skills. All supplies are included but feel free to bring your metal tools and soldering iron.

Fri., July21st

Feather my Nest with Love
Sat., July 22nd
Wrap my Heart in Flowers
Sun., July 23rd

To sign up for Julie's classes,
call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389.

 If you sign up for all 3 classes,
 you will receive a 30% off coupon to use at Paper Crown that weekend. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017


I thought we might need a bright and cheerful post on this day when dark clouds are looming...

Love these new ribbons from our favorite store

Beautiful variegated floss for all of your stitching projects


Tombow brush pens in all the colors of the rainbow.

Angie made these sample cards for each of the Prima Watercolor Confection palettes. Two new color collections will be released in July.
Hey La Dolce Vita girls! Recognize our favorite chef?

New Shipment of Somerset Studio magazines 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Just in

Fun new stamps, thread and even a little bling!
Come and get it! Open today til 3

Close at 3 Today for Graduation

Today I am celebrating Em, this tight knit band of brothers and the BMCHS Class of 2017.

Paper Crown will close early today at 3 and reopen tomorrow (Wed.) at 10:30. am.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Special Treat

I received a very special treat in my inbox last night. Those of you that were at Glitter Retreat might remember that Angie's friend, Leslie, stopped by on Saturday of the retreat and took some pictures. They are gorgeous and captured some fun moments that day.







Thank you Leslie for these great memories!