
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Paper Crown Sneak Peek- Tammy Satiel, Twisted Sister & Magnolia Pearl

You may not know our friend Tammy is not only artistic but she also has the cutest clothing store in Duncan, Twisted Sister at Prairie Rose Boutique, that carries the fun Magnolia Pearl line. Kinda explains why Tammy always looks so darling' doesn't it! Tammy has agreed to bring some of these unique and fun pieces to Glitter Market. Magnolia Pearl has been featured in several of the Where Women Create magazines so it is a perfect fit at the market. Tammy is the sole boutique in OK that carries Magnolia Pearl so you won't want to miss out on this special opportunity!

Come see Tammy and the Magnolia Pearl line this Saturday, Nov. 4th from 10-3 at Paper Crown, 9303 N. Pennsylvania Ave.

Paper Crown Sneak Peek- Jamie Palerino, Designs by Jamie

I am so pleased Jamie is joining us again this year for Glitter Market. She has quickly become my favorite seamstress. Her totes, clutches, essential oil bags, makeup bags and fun accessories are expertly constructed and always made with the freshest fabrics. I love Jamie so much I have used her to make our Glitter retreat favors and thank you bags. Christmas is just around the corner and Jamie is a great p[lace to knock a few off the list.

Join us Saturday, Nov. 4th
at Paper Crown, 9303 N. Pennsylvania Ave
 for a fun day of unique and creative shopping.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Paper Crown Sneak Peek- Jone Hallmark

I love when we have new vendors at Glitter Market and thanks to Jenn, she has found us a winner! Last week, Jone made a comment on Jenn's instagram about wanting to join her at Glitter Market and I just took that opportunity to ask. Lucky us, she was available and it worked out perfectly!

Jone is originally from Austin but has lived most of her life in one of my favorite cities, Santa Fe. She even worked at one of my favorite stores, Doodlets. I think looking at all the unique treasures there might have been one of my inspirations for Paper Crown.

You all are going to love her art and I'm sure you will be as thrilled as I am to have her join us.


Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Great Problem to Have

Usually problems are annoying but this is the opposite- a great problem to have! Jenn's Holiday Doll class scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 11th sold out really fast, in less than 24 hours. I know there are still some of you that would love to spend the day with Jenn so she has graciously agreed to offer a second class on Sunday, Nov. 12th. Same class, same price, same time, just  a second class the next day. So those of you that missed out the first time, you get a second chance!

Holiday Doll
Sat., Nov. 11th
Jenn, $60
all supplies and lunch provided

Second class
Holiday Doll

Sun., Nov. 12th
Jenn, $60
all supplies and lunch provided
To sign up for Sunday's class with Jenn,
Call (soon)  Paper Crown at 405 848-2389
If you are busy Nov. 11th & 12th you can still catch Jenn at Paper Crown's Glitter Market 
Sat., Nov. 4th 10-3  

Friday, October 27, 2017

Glitter Market Sneak Peek- Jenn McGlon, Noodle and Lou

Morning girls! You are in for a special treat of double proportions! Not only will the talented Jenn be a vendor at Glitter Market on Nov. 4th, but she is coming back the next weekend to teach one of her adorable holiday dolls. It's like Christmas morning around here!

Here is a sneak peek of some of the adorable goodies Jenn will have at Glitter Market next week. Like this posse of snowmen, Jenn will be at Glitter Market with her own creative posse ( more on that later but it is going to be such a treat- you will not want to miss!) I am over the moon excited to have Jenn with us for Glitter Market and those of you who have not had the pleasure yet,  will discover a new talent and gain a new friend.


and then the next weekend.....
Holiday Doll
Sat., Nov. 11th
Jenn, $60
cost includes all supplies and lunch
Sign up is going lickety split so don't delay!
Call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389 to sign up
Jenn is bringing her surprise posse to this class also-
November is full of wonderful surprises!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Glitter Market Sneak Peek- Chris Mack

Leading up to Paper Crown's last OKC Glitter Market, I will be giving you a sneak peek of what to expect from our talented group of artists. Over the years this has become a favorite event and one we all look forward to attending.

This year's Glitter Market will be held at the store in the backroom and Paper Attic on Saturday, Nov. 4th from 10-3. There is always a line to get in and a mad rush to get to favorite artist's tables. The event is free. Thank you for coming out and supporting your local friends and artists.

Chris Mack a Paper Crown teacher and Glitter Market veteran will have a gorgeous assortment of marbled and eco printed scarves and I believe a few of her beautiful handmade journals. I am thrilled to have Chris once again joining us!


Thank you for coming out to support
 our Paper Crown artists

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Cutest New Stamps

Rubber Moon has become a new Paper Crown favorite and a shipment of their newest releases and some adorable Christmas stamps just arrived. I predict these will be gone by the weekend- on your mark, get set , GO!



Musta Got a Little Excited

I posted the wrong date for Angie's pour paint pumpkin on Instagram and the website- guess I was excited for this fun class. The correct date is this Thursday not Wednesday. If you haven't taken one of our pour paint classes you are missing out on a fun evening. They all come out different and all beautiful. Join us for a relaxing girl's night.

Pour Paint Pumpkin
this Thurs., Oct. 26th
Angie, $45
To sign up call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389
New items that came in late yesterday- new shipment of velvet, two new Echo Park lines, new shipment of Rubber Moon stamps. The backroom is all Christmas- come and get it while the selection is good.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

A Couple of More Thank Yous

Glitter Retreat happened to fall right before my birthday so I was very spoilt and received some very special gifts.

 My favorite trio of traveling buddies, Beth, Glenda & Peggy, got me this adorable truck complete with a crown and Paper Crown logos. As you can see it is also a light and has to be the cutest thing ever. I keep moving it around the store to find the perfect spot to showcase ALL of it's wonderfulness!

Apparently Jackie and I are starting to think alike! I ordered a cowgirl doll from our good friend Jenn of Noodle and Lou for a Retreat giveaway and guess what- I was thrilled to get a twin for my birthday complete with a cake. When we thought there might be a possibility Terri would not be able to teach the first name that came to mind was Jenn but then we realized if she taught at Retreat, none of the teachers could take her class and we weren't going to make that mistake again. Thank you Jackie and Jenn for my cowgirl- I love her and she will always remind me of ya'll and our Glitter Retreat.
Jenn will be at the store on Sat., Nov. 11th for a doll class. Sign ups will begin soon so keep checking. I know it will be a holiday doll and you will not want to miss. I have also heard that Jenn might- keep your fingers crossed- be here for Glitter Market on Nov. 4th- YIPPEE! Hopefully she will also be bringing a friend who I have wanted at the store for years- sorry girls a little pressure. We are loved and wanted!

 This beautiful mosaic crown ornament is from a very special friend. She is one of the kindest people I know She is a real trooper and will walk a million miles for you- Really! Timi I'm so glad you were able to take off school and join us for some fun; it is always a pleasure.
This queen caught a ride in the bed of a pick up because she was more comfortable there than on her throne. Nellie made this adorable Lovely ( I'm not sure that is the right word) with my picture and a crown. Nellie is so very talented and I love seeing what this Tulsa friend has created. thank you Nellie!
And then there was this! Nan is the Paper Crown queen of stitching and she so outdid herself with this beauty. I can't imagine the hours and sore fingers it must have taken to make this . It is the most thoughtful and special gift. A true reflection of the store and all of the special people who have crossed paths and become friends.
 I think this cool Angie original sums it up....
 Thanks all ! You are the very best of friends! OX

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Merry, Merry Christmas is Out

About half of the Christmas is out today and the rest will be out tomorrow after tonight's class ( we still have a few spots if you aren't busy! ) First come first serve, no holds. You will love it I promise!



Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A Heart Full of Gratitude

I have been struggling for a week on this post. I felt I needed to word everything just right so you ALL would know how much you meant to me, how each and everyone of you has made an impact on me and finally, how I consider ya'll  my little gifts from God. So as I was wrestling with what to say, the time passed and I realized I was probably having the opposite effect. Sometimes it is best just to say it even though it is a jumbly mess and hope that your friends know you well enough to "get it . "
In the meantime, I have spent a lot of time the past week thinking about each and everyone of you. It has been a very happy week!

First, I would like to thank each of you who attended the retreat. I specifically opened up this retreat to those of you glitter girls who have supported the store and the retreats for all of these years. Without you there would be no store, no classes, no retreat and certainly no happy place! Ya'll collectively spent a lot of money on retreat, took off work, drove hours to get here, paid for a hotel, paid for a flight, came in your wheelchair- twice : ), left your recovering family, drove back and forth a million times a day, risked getting very sick- basically you all pulled a lot of strings to get here and we all appreciate it. Over the years I have realized time and time again that our tribe is very special. You are will never be replaced, you are that one perfect moment that is never ever duplicated. Thank you girls!

Next , thank you Jackie, Bobbie, Angie and Terri. Each of you always exceed my expectations and always seem to have an unlimited amount of energy.  I'm basically a slug but have managed to surround myself with energizer bunnies who make me look pretty darn good. Each of you possess an amazing amount of artistic talent and together you are a super nova. You have each made a shining impact on us and we are all so blessed to have 4 of the best.

  Terri we appreciate you leaving your dream like studio to come south, we all solder and look so much better because of you. Angie, so so glad Becky brought you into our world. You make us all smile and I love your young spirit. If you ever get all those creative projects from your brain to reality the world will be flooded with your fun art. Bobbie, it was so fun to have you back home! We missed you and your sweet spirit and those amazingly detailed projects. It's amazing you came up with that horse in a couple of hours. Jackie, honestly it has all been said so many times before but we could not do this without you. You keep me on track and then complete everything I thought I could do but really couldn't. You have kept us all creating over the years and we are so very grateful for you- our most talented friend!

Amy you are the one who keeps this place running during retreat. Every job I don't want to do you gladly take on and single handedly keep every one's bags and purchases straight. You have had my back from the very beginning and I couldn't have asked for anyone more perfect. Wanna move south?

Most of you know this story but I think it is worth repeating, especially because it kept playing through my head all weekend of the retreat. When I bought the store 12 years ago I was without a doubt at the worst point in my life. Absolutely everything had fallen apart and I was blindsided and knocked squarely on my tush. So I did what you are never to do, make a major decision during the chaos of a major change. Not only did I lose my husband but I also lost my crafty friend, the one I created class parties, costumes and backdrops, elaborate kid parties and just about any craft project you can imagine. I remember thinking I would never ever have another friend to do that kinda stuff with again. I sincerely believe God has a sense of humor because he replaced that person with so many more true friends who are much more creative and a whole lot nicer. God's plan is always so much grander than anything we can imagine.
 I also remember thinking I would never be able to go vacation again and I have had the joy of traveling to creative adventures with most of you and know our season of travels is no where near the end. So while Paper Crown might be your happy place, you brought happiness back to me. Thank you for rescuing me, restoring me, and bringing friendship and hope back into my life. I love you all dearly!