
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Paper Crown Duo

Change is good but at the same time, sometimes it is just plain hard. I have learned that I really don’t embrace change as quickly as I should and quite honestly, I like my routine, my peeps and what is predictable. Those feelings of uncertainty and longing hit at excepted moments, like my first day at the Waco store, but also at the most unexpected times like yesterday.

Yesterday was the first big shipment to arrive since I have moved to Waco. As before, UPS delivered the 3 boxes by the counter and I began checking in the items. As I was stacking the new merchandise, it hit. For the past 5 years, I could predict with 90 % certainty who would be the first ones in to look at a new line. They always arrived together with their notebook and preferred to have it spread out in the back and not all "pretty" out front. I even recall more than one time when they opened the boxes, unpacked it and saw it even before me. Mary and Elaine please know you were thought of and greatly, greatly missed. 

Here is a peek at what was in yesterday’s boxes.


Until I get the on line store up and running, you are welcome to call the store at 254 224-7436 and I will ship anything you see on the blog.
Hope you have a great Thursday!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Let the Fun Begin

Things are settling down and I am slowly getting back into my store routine (with the exception of the store phone which I seemed to have misplaced- again!) One thing that will make it seem like home is to resume classes. Two months without classes is much too long. I miss making new friends and creating those relationships-that’s the real purpose of Paper Crown.

A trio of my favorite artists who taught in OKC will be helping me start our new creative adventure in Waco. I have a feeling you will love these classes and the talented ladies teaching them.

Little Clay House
Thursday, July 12
Jenn McGlon, Noodle and Lou
For those of you that follow Jenn,we will have a doll class soon- I promise!
This is the perfect warm up

Floral Frame
Saturday, July 14
Cindy Mayfield, Yapping Cat Studio

Paper Crown Collage
Saturday, July 21

To sign up for class, either email the store at or call 254 224-7436.
 Class cost includes all supplies except basics such as scissors, adhesive, etc. 

* out of town teachers require class payment at the time of sign up and we have a no cancellation policy due to travel plans. Thank you for your cooperation. 

We hope you can join us in kicking off our new classes in Waco!

Monday, June 4, 2018

First Day is a Wrap

I think the first day of almost anything is the hardest. I woke up very early Friday morning with all kinds of questions and fears- what if no one shows up, what if they just don’t like it, what if the computer goes crazy ( or it’s operator) , what if I run out of receipt tape- I didn’t say any of these were even remotely logical. Those early morning hours were filled with both excitement and dread.

I’m happy to say I did have customers, the computer and I got along pretty well and I was blessed to see dear friends and the sweetest new ones. 

A special thank you to my OKC girls for all your sweet words of encouragement and even a few treats. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of ya’ll and am reminded of our friendship. You may not be in Waco but believe me, you are here and so much a part of this store. 

Thanks to the ladies who drove in from Ft Worth, Austin and Athens to welcome me in our new home. It was such a kind gesture. The Waco locals were so welcoming and reassuring that my decision was the right one. I met the sweetest young lady at First Friday and I hope to see you again- we need to paint together Mariam. 

Here’s some pics of the store, still work to do but we are off to a good start.

We are off to a great start. Hope you have a great week and I look forward to meeting you and sharing our " Happy Place"