
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Definitely having one of those days where the "to do" is growing exponentially faster than the "done." Will I ever get caught up?

Doesn't help that I'm swimming in boxes- Jenni Bowlin's Be Our Guest arrived with some fun new embellishments.

Love, love, love Jenni's new Hodge Podge Books- 3 different vintage inspired mini albums and all you need to do is add pictures -or embellish the heck out of them. Pages consist of old ledgers, seed packs, school primers and lots old goodies.  

We also just received 5 boxes of goodies from Crate Paper. It is definitely becoming one of my very favorite companies. I haven't unpacked much yet, but here is a sneak peek-

This is Crate's Portrait collection but we also received Toy Store (or is it Toy Box, I'm too lazy to get up and ck). It is a GREAT boy line and you all know how much we need one of those. Emma's Shoppe (a vintage girl line) and Neighborhood were also packed away in the mound of boxes. All four are adorable and they come with all the goodies.

For all you Basic Grey fans it should be here soon and we should also get in this week a line from a company I have never ordered from GCD Studios

It is definitely a fun time of year! Hope you all are enjoying this dreary day! c 


  1. Unpack those boxes woman! I was in Sat. and saw some of the new goodies you have in the store. So cool! If you need help with those boxes call me. Ha!

  2. OMG! The new Crate Paper collections are the best! I can't wait to come check them out!

  3. Your doing a fantastic job keeping up with the blog! Love all the new products and can't wait to get my hands on it1
