
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Today's Discriminating Shopper

We had a very discriminating shopper in the store today. Actually it was a male and he stayed almost the entire day. He was a tad bit undressed, footy pjs with moose slippers, but definitely comfy. All morning he simply wanted my full attention, he asked for a snack- or three or four, spent all afternoon cruising the store, and then just crashed in a heap in the corner.

My special shopper today was Baby Bubbie. We didn't get a whole lot done but we got in some quality snuggle and play time. He's a cutie pie and it's fun to have the little guy at the store. He even signed for more applesauce- he is one of the MOST brilliant babies in town!
Bubbie coming up with a use for Cavallini that Jackie had not thought of- it makes a great wand and then you can throw it on the floor. This is how smart this little guy is, he aways picked up the same roll. Very conscientious of Auntie Cindy's inventory. 

Bubbie shopping for ribbon. Green was his color of choice.

Bubbie and Mr. Monkey in the shopping basket. Not many of us can do that!

However in the midst of all the fun with my little friend, we got a really- I mean really Big surprise at the store. You are going to love it but I'm sworn to secrecy. It is a biggie and is just a few weeks away. In the middle of all my baby babble I wasn't sure it was really true but it is, and it is BIG! I'm not telling anyone- not even Jackie- it's that BIG! 

So it was a pretty good  day, a  little play time, a big surprise and Anthropologie opens this weekend- I'm a happy camper!  
   P.S. A very special thanks to the beautiful Bullard girls who gave me a small break this afternoon and managed to get Bubbie tired enough to finally take a nap! You girls Rock!


  1. Not even Jackie? I am very curious...

    Also, you are a really good person, Cindy.

  2. Baby Bubbie was the highlight of our day. We talked about him all evening. Sweet boy.
