
Thursday, July 12, 2012

This & That

Greetings from West Texas! No I'm not there but I have been to " God's country" as prince charming refers to Abilene. Although it wasn't the prettiest place,  two of the very nicest and dearest people I know are from Abilene- Kay Tanger, who sent Girdie this wild west postcard, and my hubby, Austin. Bolene is a pretty swell place!

Kit no. 9
Recipe of Me Book
Jackie- summer 2010
This was a POPULAR class so I think this gem will be gone quickly- sorry I only have one kit left
First to call is the lucky duck

New Items this week.....

Also just in today- new Basic Grey "Clippings"
Pictures to come tomorrow

Tonight is Jackie's Travel Journal and look who will be there

Jackie and I have been trying to rotate and it won't work!


  1. CiNdY...sure was fun being back at the PC tonight! i enjoyed talking to everyone & sitting in on Jackie's class, makes me realize how much i miss you guys...& Lexi was very entertaining, what a cute pooch! franc

  2. I had a wonderful time!!! Thanks so much Cindy and Jackie! It was great working on an adorable project and visiting with my friends! Love you girls!
    :) Cheri'
