
Monday, August 26, 2013

Birthday Bash

This beautiful cookies were by my friend Kristi Smith. If you are needing some tasty cookies I'll pass on her number.

We had just a couple of birthday cookies left from our Birthday Bash weekend. Thank you to everyone who came out to shop and celebrate Paper Crown's 7th birthday. I can't believe it has been that long, seems like just yesterday I was unlocking the store door thinking to myself " I own a store- what the heck am I doing."

Our crown contest turn out was a little sparse so I decided to extend the deadline to Wednesday, Sept. 4th. I would absolutely love to replace all the original crowns lining the store with new ones so if you have been on the fence- jump on over. Hopefully now that school has started you will have a little more time or there is always the long weekend coming up. Poster board forms are available at the store or you are free to create your own. There is still time to mail in your crown if you are an out of town follower. This is a great way for you to connect with Paper Crown even if you don't live in the area.

We will have a judge from out of town who doesn't now any of us pick the judge's award.  Peggy B. also had a great idea and I have decided to adopt it. In addition to the judge's award, we will have a people's choice award were customers can vote on their favorite crown. Prize for both will be a $100 Paper Crown gift card! It could definitely be worth your time and effort so I hope to see those crowns flying in.

It's a busy couple of weeks so stay connected to our blog...



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