
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

What a Fun Weekend

As you know we had a special treat at Paper Crown this past weekend. We were lucky to have the oh so talented, Debby Schuh fly in from NY to teach four classes at Paper Crown. I think we showed Debby some laid back Okie hospitality and she dazzled us with 4 beautiful and generous projects. A great time was had by all and I think- no, I know- Debby now has a couple dozen new followers.

It was a full house for the classes on Friday. Little Me and of course our very own Oklahoma album classes were huge hits.

Two of our favorites, Nancy and Lisa,  ready to get busy on their Oklahoma Albums

Saturday we started the day with the Memory Keeper's box which was so fun that I managed to miss taking a single pictures. We concluded Debby's OK tour with the Great Adventure album.


By the time the last class rolled around on Saturday afternoon are artists were happy but a little worn slick.
It was such an honor to have Debby spend the weekend with us in Oklahoma. I have heard nothing but glowing reviews and we hope she will make that flight south again. Thank you once again Debby for sharing your talent and sweet disposition with the girls from Paper Crown and we hope to see you again  soon.
Thank you also to everyone who helped me welcome Debby to Oklahoma and those of you who signed up for multiple classes. Glenda and Beth I think you are the winners- Thank you! Jackie thanks for making the cutest name tags and providing beautiful and tasty " Jackie treats." That is an Emoryism which he coined in about 3rd grade. Thank you Peggy for the yummy breakfast you provided on Saturday- you are the hostess with the mostest.  
I have one Little Me kit available and I believe two Oklahoma Album kits. Call Paper Crown if you are interested.

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