
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It Was a Hit

I love it when things just effortlessly fall into place. It wasn't planned but when Bobbie had some extra Pumpkin King kits, we decided to throw together a Halloween Soiree and make the best of it.

Bobbie definitely outdid herself for this event. She decorated the classroom, beautifully assembled the kits ( yes it's true, the students thought they were so lovely they actually hesitated to open them), taught everyone the cutest Halloween decoration, gave away the most amazing prizes and decided it wasn't enough, and taught another mini project!

Love this Bingo cards

Sorry guys these pictures stink but are in no way indicative of the event!
In fact, it was so well received the participates asked for a Holiday Soiree about halfway through the morning and in a state of exhaustion, Bobbie agreed. So mark your calendars for Saturday, Dec. 14th from 10:30-1:30. The project and cost are still in the planning stages but I know it will be wonderful and you will not want to miss. Class space is limited so once we announce the projects and cost, it will be a first come first serve basis.
Thank you once again Bobbie, Becky and Randy for making this such a special event at Paper Crown. As I have said so many times, God has walked the most amazing people - or angels- through the doors of Paper Crown and I count you three in my "host of glittered angels"
Thank you also to everyone who attended and made Saturday so fun. Guess it proves a little spontaneity can have it's advantages. Our customers -and friends- are what make Paper Crown such an amazing store. Thank you! 


  1. This was such fun! A big THANK YOU to Bobbie, Becky, Randy and you, too, Cindy, for this enjoyable day.

  2. Oh I wish I could have been there! Maybe I can make it to the Holiday class. It looks like Hogwarts with all the pumpkins and hats. Love it!
