
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

We Have a Celebrity In our Midst

I remember this spring when I picked up Colette from the airport, she mentioned that she had just photographed and documented the creative process for several projects which were going to be featured in an upcoming Somerset magazine. Fast forward a few month and look what I discovered this week while unpacking boxes.
I felt like a proud mom when I saw the top billing and the substantial feature article on Colette and her art. Really it was kinda like Em's football game last pm only a thousand times better- no smelly car ride home and no laundry! The article illustrates the techniques Colette uses in four of Colette's projects and highlights several of her other works. Many I think have been at our very own Glitter Market. If you haven't picked up the current issue of Somerset Workshop you will want to. I might even have Colette sign my copy next time she is in town.
 Here are a couple of Colette's pieces I have around the store...

You will recognize this lady- I can't remember if she is just a lucky find or a relative of Colette's

Colette gave me this cutie at her last visit. It sit by the register so I can admire it everyday.


At the end of the magazine is a section entitled, " Meet the Artist." Colette explains how she got started in art- through a paint by number kit- and her style of artwork- minimalist. Then my eyes skipped to the last sentence and a group of words that were oh, so familiar- "the Paper Crown in Oklahoma City and Glitter Market." Girls we have hit the big time, our first mention in a Somerset magazine- YIPPEE!!! Wonder if people all over the US are wondering about our little shop? Thanks for the mention Colette, we can't wait to see you this spring at Glitter Market. Hope the paparazzi aren't out in force : )  


  1. Cindy, you are the best. Paper Crown is the best. The Paper Crown gals are the best. I am so lucky to have you as a friend. I am so looking forward to seeing you again in the Spring. xoxo

  2. Congrats on the Somerset mention - how wonderful! - and so nice that Coleen included the shop!

  3. I'm so impressed! I loved meeting Colette at our paper dress class; she is a special lady! I must find the magazine.
