
Monday, November 25, 2013

Despite the Cold, Glitter Market Was a Hit

With all the sleet icy and cold north wind that blew in to OKC on Friday I was a little unsure about Glitter Market this year but check out these dedicated patrons who were braving the chill at least an hour and a half before we opened the doors. A special thank you to you crazy girls, you are what makes Glitter Market such a success - I hope rest of your day was warm and toasty.

We had a great group of vendors this year and as always, a fantastic and loyal group of Glitter Market customers who are so very supportive of our artists. Vendors this year were..

Medeah and Peggy


Robin, wish I had recorded your Soul Train dance

Charlotte, love this pic. 

Darling Duo Susan & Janet

Yes, I had to take these vendor pics from Jackie's blog because I'm always running around like a crazy person the morning of Glitter Market and I didn't get a pic of Jackie and Kay from Saturday- sorry girls; (

Newbie Heather

And last but not least, Bobbie

Ladies thank you again for all the time, energy and help you put into Glitter Market. Your work is amazing and I'm so glad we have an opportunity to share with those outside of the store. Thank you also for all your help in planning, promoting, setting up and tearing down. There is no way it would be possible without your help. Thank you also to your families who have had to sacrifice and help for Glitter Market. It truly is a family affair. A special thank you also to Heather Ales. Heather has been busy creating for weeks and packed up the car very, very early Saturday am in Dallas only to have to turn around after she crossed the border due to poor road conditions. Thank you for trying Heather and we will see you next time.

Thank you to Cheri who was gracious enough to come help us out. I have to agree with Debbie, marriage and motherhood are definitely agreeing with you- you have NEVER looked prettier or happier. Cheri came back later in the afternoon with baby Grant but no pictures because I was too busy hogging him!
Thank you also to Linley for helping me run errands the morning of Market. You were a huge hit and as always it is so very good to see you!
I would say that despite old man Winter we had a wonderful Glitter Market and thank you again patrons, vendors and families for ALL your help and support. I am thankful for each and every one of you!  

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