
Monday, December 9, 2013

Not Too Late

With all the snow and ice this weekend some of you might be anxious to get out of the house. Paper Crown has a couple of opportunities to "get out" and express all your holiday creativity.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 10th is Jackie's Pixie House Class. We still have room for a few more so if you are going stir crazy, head out tomorrow evening for a bit of fun. Class is $35 and includes all supplies. If you have signed up please bring your basic kit, glue gun and heat gun. I believe the weather is supposed to be warmer tomorrow so driving should be much better. Nevertheless, everyone please be careful and hopefully you out of towners will be able to make it. If not, your kits will be waiting.

Bobbie's Halloween Soiree was such a huge success that she agreed to host a similar "Holiday Soiree" this Saturday, December 14 from 9:30-1:30. With the weather we have had this past week, I honestly can't think of an more appropriate holiday project. Hopefully this holiday snow queen will not bring any of the real stuff. Cost for the event is $60 and we have just a few seats left. In addition to the project we will provide lunch and maybe even a few holiday treats.
To sign up for either Jackie's Pixie House or Bobbie's Holiday Soiree, simply call Paper Crown at 848-2389.
We still have a good selection of holiday papers for your decorating and who wouldn't want a Paper Crown gift certificate!

Ever since the kid's were little and went away for summer camp, my No. 1 rule has been "get in front of the camera." Nothing a mom likes more than seeing pictures of her smiling happy kiddos. Katie always managed to find the camera, the boys not so much. I think there were years they actually hid from the photographer.

 Maybe to appease his mama - or to make his mom feel terrible because she was suppose to bring his heavy coat and gloves on Satrurday- Payne got in front of the camera.

As I'm snuggled up on the couch with a blanket, hot chocolate and Lexie, this flashes on the TV screen. A very cold Payne and the Baylor Snufflafugus. At least Glendale should be warm! Sic 'Em Bears!

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