
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Oodles of Doodles

Doodles are EVERYWHERE, books, scrapbook paper, journals, and I bet, your notebooks from high school. Chances are you know how to doodle, you have just forgotten or made it too difficult. Join Medeah on Saturday, February 15th for a FUN, relaxing, day long class where you rediscover the joy you can get from just doodling. The day of doodles will include all your supplies, instruction and practice piece, lite breakfast and lunch, drawings, favor and a fun Valentine inspired project.

Oodles of Doodles
Saturday, February 15th
Medeah, $50.00

You will get warmed up by practicing your doodles on an art tile.
Then you will use stencils to create a doodled "love" banner and make it pop by painting the background with silk acrylic glaze.
What "love" is complete without a heart
Other techniques and patterns will be reviewed  to set your mind reeling with the possibilities of doodling. Each student will receive doodle supplies to take home so they can continue the fun.
Medeah is even throwing in a drawing or two! You will not want to miss this extra special class. This will be oodles of fun so tell your sweetie to save the chocolate this Valentine's you want to Doodle! Class space is limited and sign up begins  Monday morning.

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