
Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Pair of Guest Bloggers

Lately we have all been busy getting ready for the Paper Crown Glittered Retreat- there has been a lot of planning, creating, calling, painting, papering, sewing, cleaning, tasting and brainstorming. In the midst of all this " inging" I have done very little blogging. The days just keep getting away from me and my mind is so scattered right now I'm pretty sure anything I came up with would look/read the same. Therefore, I asked Lisa Stanton and Lisa Nix, Paper Crown girls and swap coordinators, to be guest bloggers today and tell us a little about themselves and their swaps for the retreats.

Lisa Stanton
Lisa is one of our favorite Paper Crown girls and she frequently drives in from Tulsa to take classes or say hello. In addition to being very creative and always able to tell us about the newest and greatest art retreat, Lisa has worked as a nurse, attorney and in real estate. She is truly one of the nicest people and we are glad she will be heading up the matchbox swap for the Glittered Retreat.  
The theme of the swap is Spring- thank goodness it is officially here today-  or whatever inspires you!
If you are needing a little inspiration, here are some favorites Lisa pull off the internet to get  your head a swirling.
We can't wait to see what you all come up with but we know it will be fabulous. I have a couple of mini matchboxes at the store or you can use a real large matchbox.
Lisa Nix
It has been just FUN getting to know Lisa over the past few years! She always brings laughter and a few stories to a class and that is what we love; her willingness to share with others. Lisa describes herself as...
 I guess what I would say is I am a child of God, a mother of a 12 year old (Lord give me strength), a Mortgage Lender by day and a crafter and I have a mad passion for reading.  I truly like to work with anything crafty from painting and decorating, crocheting, knitting, but my passion would be working with paper and making mini albums and media media arts.  I love the Paper Crown and the awesome teachers, but most important all the wonderful ladies that I have met.  I just look forward to coming and seeing everyone and of course making new things that I cannot bare to give up.  I need a bigger home!!!

Lisa's theme for the cone swap is Ringing in Spring at Paper Crown! How very appropriate for today!
As usual, Lisa is always done days or weeks before a deadline so here is a photo of her cone for the swap.
We have various sized cones at the store or you can create your own. I just know you are not going to want to miss out on these retreat swaps!
Thanks Lisas, the swaps are in good and creative hands!
Back to work- just in flowers, new Doodlebug, Maya Road 

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