
Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Heart Full of Gratitude

As I sat in church this am following a wonderful weekend of friends, art and of course, glitter,  I had an overwhelming sense of gratitude. One thing, event or person lead to another but they all were somehow connected and in someway had a part in this weekend. So before I post pictures of the retreat (and truth be told I haven't loaded them on the computer yet-but thanks Medeah for taking some with my camera) , I feel I must say  a very sincere Thank you!

Today I am grateful for...
  • My wonderful parents who both left much, much too soon. Mom you were always creating with me as a kiddo, the Mod Podge we went through! It is from you I got my sense of style and the love to create. Dad, you were the other side of the brain, an engineer, but you gave me the money to start my dream whether you got it or not. Thanks
  • A really, really bad situation. Who would have thought I would ever be thankful for that but today I am. It set me free, refocused my life, and steered my life back on track. Also in a panic I was frantically looking for a job.
  • A persistent store owner who kept saying you should buy the store when I was saying, I don't want to, I can't, are you crazy!
  • My friends Brown and Kathryn. You nursed me back to the living and were so much more than friends. I really can't tell you how much I love you both. Kat, I also really can't believe I wouldn't let you walk on a dumb floor I had finally cleaned last week- I think it was all the bleach fumes, sorry! 
  • Sassy who ran the store the first year when I was in no way, shape or form capable of doing it. Once I was able, you realized this little store couldn't support us both and graciously stepped down.
  • My real life angels, and I hope you know who you are and if you don't, well I need to be much more grateful. The post would be much too long if I said everything to you two that I am grateful about. I have tried to put it down in writing before but it is so very inadequate. I hope someday I can convey all the gratitude I have for the millions of things you have done. You mean the world to me and a very special prayer of gratitude was said for you! Thank You! OX OX
  • The absolutely wonderfully talented and creative teachers I have at Paper Crown. I can remember the day I met each of you and thinking I hope you will say yes to teaching. You each bring something special to the store and I really mean what I say, " I have the best teachers in the country in my backyard and I am the luckiest girl in the world." OXOX-Holly I love my picture and so glad you didn't get hurt in my messy office!
  • Dear, dear friends otherwise known as customers and students. Your support, encouragement and loyalty to Paper Crown is humbling. None of this would exist without you! I am honored to call each of you a friend and know that goes way beyond the boundaries of the store. Many times I have wondered why am I doing this and one of you will encourage me or say something kind about the store. Thanks Beth! You guys also kept asking for a retreat and it was a pretty damn good idea!
  • The traveling Paper Crown girls. The fact that you drive for hours or even fly into OKC to come to the store still blows me away. That extra commitment, cost and effort leaves me in awe but I love seeing your smiling faces when you walk in the door. Do me a favor though and let me know when you make it home safely- I get it now Mom and I do always worry : )
  • Our families who support us in our creative dreams. I know you have thought and possibly even said before, " are you kidding, you want me to do that.." But you also realize this is how we are and will do whatever asked to help us with our dreams. I know from experience not everyone feels this way so thank you Tom, Randy, Zane , Brian A and Jason, I so appreciate your help and your lovely wives. Thank you Austin for a month of weekends you worked on the attic. The dream came true and you did all the dirty, dusty, dangerous work. You are also the only attorney who has gone to court covered in glitter. Thank you also for getting rid of all your  W. TX cups before the retreat- that would have definitely ruined the ambiance. Thank you to Jackie's sweet mom who made our beautiful aprons. Your gift of creating was passed on to Jackie and you did an amazing job of raising that girl! Great job Mom! Thank you Hutton for spending a weekend working on the attic, not what any 16 year old girl wants to do . Savannah thank you for capturing this weekend for us. Your parent's creativity shines in you and I know the pictures will be amazing. Lastly, I hope you had a great day today miss Violet! 
  • I knew I would forget something and of course I did! Amy, thank you, thank you for ALL of your help this weekend and these past few months. It seems like you have been at the store much longer than 2 months. You have stepped up and been a tremendous help- I am grateful.
I am sure I forgot something or someone but I just wanted you to know how grateful I am for you all. This weekend was a huge group project and a good one. Thank you all !

And yes,  I will be having my morning coffee in the attic tomorrow before they come and get the tables


  1. Cindy ~ Thank you, thank you, thank you for this wonderful event. I know you all worked until you dropped and we all appreciate all the effort you put into making this such a special weekend for all of us! I think it was a huge success and was the perfect first retreat for Paper Crown.
    Thank you for all the hard work YOU do to make Paper Crown a beautiful and fun place for all of us to gather, socialize, and make art. xoxo

  2. I am sitting here in tears as I read this. Isn't it amazing how God's timing is always perfect. It is also such a huge blessing when we can look back at some of the most painful times in our lives and be grateful. God always has something so much better in the works than any dream we can dream up. I am grateful for many things, meeting you is definitely one of them.

  3. I boo hoo'ed all the way home on Saturday, but it was a good boo hoo. Getting to spend time with Kira doing what I love at a place that I love with the people I love was the BEST! I can't thank you enough, Cindy. You and all the teachers and my Paper Crown sisters were so sweet and welcoming to Kira. She and I enjoyed this weekend beyond what I can put into words. I have memories I will cherish for a very long time.

  4. What a lovely, lovely post. And I'm sure there are a lot of people grateful for YOU. I know I am grateful for you, for letting me come to the Paper Crown and Glitter Market, and taking such incredibly good care of me. xoxo

  5. I love your list! I'm having fun!! I think I speak for all at the retreat this weekend - we are grateful for you and your talents and your ability to bring us all together!! Amy :)
