
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Create Some Magic!

The stormy weather threatened to dampen our registration but like magic, the downpour stopped and the computer connection returned. It is finally here, registration is open for the Paper Crown Fall Glittered Retreat October 2-4. We had such a fun time this spring during our inaugural retreat we decided to sprinkle some magic dust one more time this year. The retreat will be set up similar to the spring retreat . For those of you who were green with envy that you weren't able to attend in the spring it will be basically the same but we have added a few new " tricks" to make it special for those returning artists. Bobbie, Jackie, Medeah and myself are so very pleased to be doing this again and we hope you will join us in creating a little- or a lot- of magic!

Retreat Agenda
Thursday, October 2

We will meet at 5:30 pm on Thursday evening for " swap, shop and appetizers." This will be a great time to meet your fellow artists over some delicious treats, marvel over the creativity of this talented group during our first swap and do a little private shopping. Although the swaps are not mandatory, we encourage everyone to participate if you can. At the spring retreat those who did not participate were so disappointed. From 5:30-7:30 you can take your time exploring every nook and cranny of the store looking for treasures and you will receive 20% off. We have a full day planned for Friday so it's off to an early bedtime.

Friday, October 3

We will begin the day by meeting at Paper Crown at 8:30 am. After a lite breakfast, coffee and tea, we will start our first class around 9. Each of the four classes offered at the retreat will be approximately 3 hours. Some might take a tad longer and other a bit shorter, we are artists you know, but that will be our general guideline.

At noon we will begin our afternoon excursion by caravaning to a favorite lunch spot for a quick but relaxing bite and then to my favorite antique/ repurpose/ reuse shop for some wonderful eye candy, shopping and a treat or two. Lunch spot to be announced soon but I guarantee it will be tasty. This meal is not included in retreat cost. Participants are responsible for their own meal cost.

After out creative break we will then head back to Paper Crown for our second class of the day beginning at 4pm. At the conclusion of class, we will head up to the Paper Attic for the first big reveal and a catered dinner. Following dinner we will have our second swap and maybe a little photo time with our new creations. All of Friday's activities, except for lunch and any purchases made while shopping, will be included in the retreat cost.

Saturday, October 4

At 9:30am we will meet at Paper Crown for a quick breakfast, our caffeine fix and begin the first class around 10:00 am. After a morning of creating, we will break for a delicious catered lunch around 1:00pm in the Paper Attic. Our third swap will take place after lunch. Even if you choose not to participate in a swap, it is an ideal time to be inspired. I guarantee you will go home with your mind swimming with ideas for new projects. The final class of the  will begin around 2:30pm and we should be done around 5:30pm.  All of Saturday's activities are included in the retreat cost.
 * this is a proposed timetable and may change a bit, we are still in the planning stages 

Our Artists and Projects

Bobbie Sanders

Bobbie has taught at Paper Crown for several years and has carved out a spot for herself as the "Queen of the Soirees." Bobbie's over the top holiday Soirees are loved by all and make us wish there was a holiday every month. When Bobbie isn't creating the next great project for a soiree, she is having fun being "poppy" to her adorable grand daughters and doing her magic at the corporate offices of Hobby Lobby.  Visit Bobbie at

Jackie Peters
Where do I begin to describe Miss Jackie? She has taught at Paper Crown since the beginning and her touch is on everything at the store. Not only is she incredibly talented but such a great cook; her classes are not only creative but very tasty. I am so very glad she entered the crown contest almost 9 years ago because it changed the course of the store. You will never be disappointed in a "Jackie" class! Visit Jackie at


Medeah Kitsmiller
Medeah is our mixed media guru. You can tell she used to be an elementary school art teacher because her classes are just fun. Medeah's projects are all about the process and you never leave a class without learning a new technique. You also will never leave her class without a good conversation. It's like taking a class from a close artsy friend.  Visit Medeah at

Cindy Winter
I typically only teach kid's classes, probably because I can bluff my way with 8 yr olds better than adults but it looked like so much fun I decided to join the group this Fall. I will actually be teaching a class that was adapted from one of my favorite kids projects. so come create like a child- it will be fun and a little messy. You all know where to find me : )

What art retreat would be complete without a swap or two? We will have one swap each day. In keeping with "create some magic" our first swap on Thursday evening will be a " card trick " or magic inspired ATC card. Friday evenings swap will be a masquerade mask. We have these available at the store so if you live in town just swing by and pick one up or for those of you out of town, I will be happy to drop one in the mail. If you live out of town and want to participate in this swap just call the store and let me know so I can run to the post office. Saturday's swap is "that magic something you wear. " It can be a piece of jewelry, a bag, an apron, a crown - the sky is the limit to express your " magic. "    

The swaps are optional and you can do all three, two, one or none. Please just choose what you are comfortable doing. we did think the mask would make for some fabulous pictures in our photo booth but that is just a suggestion. We just ask that you send us an email by the 19th letting us know which swaps you are participating in.

For those of you who have participated in swaps and would like to volunteer to head one up we would love to hear from you.

We are hoping our retreat will not only draw from the OKC area but also some of you who have been following us through our blogs and facebook. We have a variety of hotels close to the store and would be happy to give you recommendations.  If you are coming from out of town please call the store, we want to make sure and give you a special Oklahoma welcome.

Paper Attic
We will have three of our meals in the Paper Attic at the store. It is a fun, creative space but is only assessable by stairs.

Registration for the fall 2014 Paper Crown Glittered Retreat begins today, September 2nd. Space is limited to 24 and only those paid in full will be able to register. Cost of the retreat is $450 but we are offering an early bird special of $400 for those who register between September 2-13th. After September 13th, the price will be $450. Registration and payment can be made by calling the store with a credit card or just stopping by. All sales are final.  If you are unable to attend any or part of the retreat, your kit/kits will be available after October 6th. 

Your Retreat Fee includes:
4 classes and all supplies, excluding basic kit
4 class favors- one from each teacher
Glittered Retreat welcome  present
4 class drawings
 Fall Glittered Retreat t shirt
Heavy appetizers Thursday evening
 Breakfast Friday & Saturday

Dinner Friday
 Lunch  Saturday
Snacks and beverages throughout Friday & Saturday
Private shopping with 20% discount
 Many other surprises both large and small

We are so very Excited
to Create some Magic with you!
Retreat is limited to first 24
We will tempt you with some pictures from this spring


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