
Monday, November 24, 2014


I love that we have a Glitter Market the weekend before Thanksgiving because it always puts me in the right mind set going into Thursday. So very many things to be thankful for! First to all of our loyal customers who brave the early morning chill- thankfully no ice this year- to support some of the most talented artists I know. You are loyal customers and friends to both Paper Crown and our artists. Thank you for welcoming our new vendors. Several times this weekend Lesa commented on how friendly and nice everyone is at Paper Crown. I could not agree more !

 We love to see this early morning line forming in front of the store; it guarantees a great market!

Next I am so very thankful for our 10 artists who committed to the market. Your treasures are what everyone lines up to purchase and each year you amaze me with your talent. You girls are so very creative and I am so happy to call each of you my friend. A special thank you to those of you who  traveled to the Market. You gave us a precious weekend away from family and we are so very honored. More than half of our vendors traveled to the Market; Lesa and Cassie get the prize for the furthest.

Robin Thomas we love your knitted goods and journals but even more, you ALWAYs make us laugh!

Peggy you have been a busy girl, I hope you are getting to relax finally! 

Our sassy sister Charlotte, your jewelry is beautiful and so is your heart.  

Terri where do you find the best stuff? Who cares as long as you share with your friends at Paper Crown. 

It was such a pleasure to have Lesa and her daughter Cassie here for the weekend. We are all hoping this is the first of many more visits! 

We always love having Holly at the store. She is such a talented artist and the sweetest.

So fun to have Amy Baldwin join us again this year. She does amazing mosaics and the most fun calendars. Unfortunately the traffic from Norman was terrible on Sat. and Amy fly in right at 10 so I don't have a picture which is a shame because she looked so very cute on Saturday! 

Another new artist this year, Lisa Stanton. We always love having you at the store and am so very glad you joined us this year.
Could that be the elusive Heather Ales?! It is!!
So glad you and Valita could join us and thanks to hubby for doing double kiddo duty!

Our very own energizer bunny. In addition to all the pictures posted on Facebook she created even more- I hope you are taking a well deserved nap !
Next a huge thank you to Amy, Isabella and Jackie for all your help in getting ready and during the Market. The front desk is always in good hands with Amy and Bella and we all know the Jackie is the hostess with the moistest! However Jackie would love to have you vend next year; it was kinda like Christmas without the tree : )

Finally thank you to all the dads, grandmas and friends who had double duty this weekend so all our moms could come play. I appreciate all you do to support your very talented artists and to help mom's get a break.

It was another great Glitter Market! Thank you everyone for making this such a fun and profitable event


  1. I missed you all! Especially Terri's table :) and YOU! xoxoxo

  2. Thank you so much, Cindy, for providing this venue and allowing us to participate! It was a great day with lots of wonderful people. Thanks to you, Jackie, Amy and Bella for taking such good care of us, and to all the shoppers for spending some of their time and money! And to Colette, we missed you!

  3. It was a great market. I liked it being at the store and the upstairs looked so festive. I did miss Jackie's creations, but understand she needs and deserves a little break. Happy Thanksgiving, Cindy. Thanks for all you do!

  4. Looks like a fabulous event Cindy! Happy Thanksgiving!
