
Friday, January 16, 2015

Documented Creative Time

This is as far as I have gotten- the moleskin is purchased. I am hoping to get some work done next Friday the 23rd
So many of you are doing documented life and documented faith we decided to have a " documented creative time " once a month when we can all gather in the classroom and show or demonstrated our documented projects for the month and just create. Even if you aren't doing one of the "documented" projects you are still welcome, just come play with us.  Think of this as a crop.

We will meet the next to last Friday evening of every month and you can work on your current projects and learn some new techniques from your friends. I will try to have someone demonstrate a new technique or demo a new product each month. Cost is free but I ask that you call ahead to make a reservation. I can tell we will have to switch a couple of months due to holidays or previously scheduled events but this is a great place to start.

For our first "DCT" let's do potluck snacks - savory or sweet. I will bring a pot of soup for those coming straight from work. We will work from 5:30- midnight and the class discount will apply to those in attendance.

I know a lot of you were wanting this feature so I hope next Friday, Jan. 23rd is a full house. Call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389 to reserve your spot for our first Documented Creative Time.

Lots of Valentines at the store, a complete line of the new Character Construction Adventures in Tea stamps and a new shipment of Somerset Studio magazines. The makings for a fun weekend!

Don't forget our Valentine postcard swap.
The blank postcards can be picked up at the store
or I can drop one in the mail!

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