
Monday, January 19, 2015

Guess Who is Coming to Paper Crown?!!!

It's someone I have hoped would come since I took a class from her last summer. Let me say first, she is the most patient teacher. You will love her teaching style and her absolutely beautiful jewelry. I am thrilled to announce Terri Brush will be coming to OKC in November to teach three classes and be with us at Glitter Market!

Terri will be teaching a bracelet, necklace and soldered house class. Registration will begin Feb. 1 on Terri's website,  and class samples will be at Paper Crown in just a couple of weeks. You won't want to miss this opportunity to take from Terri. Mark your calendars for Nov. 19-22 and registration, Feb. 1st. Since Terri lives on the west coast I have a feeling we will have a lot of students from out of town so check your calendars and mark Feb. 1st.

taken from Terri's Jan. Newsletter

Oklahoma City HERE  I COME !

 I am HEADING TO Oklahoma City in NOVEMBER !!!
I will be teaching 3 days of workshops at Paper Crown, the same weekend as Cindy's infamous Glitter Market where I will also be vending!
My classes will be:
Thursday, Nov 19th
Friday, Nov 20th
Sun Nov 22nd
Come spend the weekend with me and Cindy at Paper Crown, take new workshops and get to shop this amazing market!  My workshops will go on sale Feb 1st on my website! I cannot wait to get to Oklahoma!!

I hope your finding time for a little art in your life!





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