
Monday, March 23, 2015

Almost Too Pretty To Use

If you are like most of us, you have a stash of arts and crafts goodies that are sitting in a sack just waiting to be used. One nice thing about these supplies is that they are so darn pretty you might not want to use them but just add them to a vignette in your home- seriously!

I love, love, love these new hand carved wooden stamps. They are just almost too pretty to use. They are bigger than they seem in the pictures, about palm sized, and have such detailed patterns. Not only are they beautiful on paper but I saw a picture where they had stamped on a little girl's dress- adorable. The packaging on these stamps is also so neat. On each tag is strung with a bead and a tiny brass bell- an extra treat!
Every time I get a reshipment of velvet in I can't resist taking a picture. These are just luscious
My advice, come and get it while the getting is good!
It's A Busy Week
Beginning Brush Calligraphy Class
Thursday, March 26th
Sold out but still a couple of openings in the second class on Thurs., April 9th
Documented Craft Time
this Friday, March 27th
pizza will be provided but please bring a potluck snack to share

 Blooming & Brave Girl
Sat., March 28th
Medeah, $45
 To reserve your spot for class or Documented Craft Time, call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389

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