
Friday, March 20, 2015


That's Italian for surprise! Those Somerset magazines are once again full of surprises and smiles. A new shipment came in yesterday- Somerset Life, Where Women Create Business, Mingle, Somerset Memories and Art Journaling. They are all very good but a couple in particular.

My routine when a new shipment comes in is to grab one of each and take them home for a little late pm bed reading. Just a few pages into Where Women Create Business I came across this...

 La Dolce Vita Retreat hosted by Carolyn Peeler and Terri Brush
In my opinion this is one of the very best retreats and such a chance of a lifetime. A beautiful setting, amazing food, hosts with the mostest- and then some, generous teachers with gorgeous projects, fun field trips, great shopping and daily treats- who doesn't love that! If you ever have the opportunity to join this creative fairtytale go for it!
This spread also made me smile because two of my friends- Diane CA and Diane TX are in the top left pic. We had a cooking class that day at the Count's and they are preparing some kind of chicken- can't remember the exact name, it sounds much more exotic than chicken but it was one of the best meals I have ever had. I even remember crying at lunch because it was so perfect- I can't believe I admitted that for all to read, I'm a baby I admit!  
If you can't go to Italy this summer you can experience a good portion of the experience here at home. One of the La Dolce Vita founders, Terri Brush, will be here in OKC in November for three days of creating and vending at Glitter Market.
I know some of you just can't sign up this early due to kiddos and school schedules but for those of you that can, I would jump in before it's too late. The Sunday class in particular is filling up quickly. It's not Italy but you can still get a little taste of what you might experience with Terri at the retreat.
I discovered another Somerset surprise this morning- more on that tomorrow. Arrivederci!
P.S. Diane CA and Diane TX miss you both and can't wait until we have a reunion!


  1. Awesome! Thanks for sharing this Cindy - and for saying such nice things about your time at "La Dolce Vita". And for those of you who have not signed up for the Terri Brush workshops yet, I would encourage you to do so. Terri's classes are a lot of fun!

  2. WooHoo, We are famous Diane CA!!! Which edition is that Vinter Cindy?

    Diane TX
