
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Belle & Boo

It's a constant search for cute kid's paper; they seem to be either way too cheesy or too mature. This new line titled "Belle & Boo" seems to have hit the mark. Cute illustrations of both boys and girls, good neutral colors and cute embellishments. The paper is not sold individually but in a pack so you have plenty to do several layouts or projects.




A girl can't live on craft supplies alone so here are a few shots of some new decorating items that can help you get beautifully organized at home or in your craft room.

This is almost too cute for your mail. Wouldn't it look adorable in
a craft room to store supplies.

These trays are great and really quite large. Perfect solution to corral your
supplies. Love the coral, pink, magenta trays with gold!
It always starts the same...." Mama can you do me a little favor, I know I can buy these but yours would be SOOO much cuter...she has me hook, line and sinker. For the past couple of days I have been working on these watercolor invitations for Katie's roommate, Rachel's, bachelorette party. It's a fiesta theme so what better than a Mexican dress.  Hard to believe Katie has friends old enough to get married- where did the time go!
Oh and can you do something cute on the envelopes please!
Sign ups have been constant for the June classes, Debby Schuh and Stephanie Ackerman weekends. If you are considering any, I wouldn't wait too much longer.
Have a great day and stay cool

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