
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I Caved

I caved. And not just a little stumble but a full fledged, I'm lying in the street and you can run over me cave. I love ribbon and I love Italy so it was over before I even opened the email. Arriving soon will be the most luscious Italian ribbon in tight, loose weave, beautiful metallics and some gorgeous calligraphy ribbon- a little influence from Krystal.

  Although I didn't pick this up during my recent adventure in Italy, we did go to a Italian notions store and it was a unique experience. The past two years I have been to several Italian " notion stores" and it is an odd pairing of undergarments, socks and hosiery with ribbon and buttons. Last year I stopped in a tiny store to grab the boys some fun socks I had seen in the window and spied an entire wall (all the way to the ceiling) with tiny wooden drawers full of the most beautiful ribbon.  Within a matter of seconds I had forgotten about the socks and the small counter was full of drawers and 3 members of an Italian family are cutting ribbon and we are trying to communicate by sign language.

Although we didn't find that exact store this year, we did find one very similar with the same strange pairing. I think everyone from our group left happy with a small bag of treasures. I think when I saw this company it just reminded me of my happy find and I had to share it with you all.

I almost have all my pictures sorted so hopefully tomorrow I will begin posting on our adventure! It was so fun and I couldn't have shared it with a better group of ladies. So the ribbon should be here soon and our first stop will be Milan! Ciao Bellas


  1. Oh me! Ribbon is my downfall.
    Can't wait to read about your trip!

  2. Thank you for caving! Can't wait to see, touch and feel this beautiful ribbon! I'm seriously drooling!
