
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Creating with Stephanie Akerman

These pictures say it best. We all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend with Stephanie creating and sharing our faith.
It was so nice to see old friends who traveled to OKC to be inspired by Stephanie

Stephanie's first class " Hope Notes"

Opportunity for the Paper Crown teachers to be students for a change

No Paper Crown class would be complete without a little snack. Thank you Jackie for the beautiful and tasty cookies! 

Group picture from " Hope Notes" class

Now off to the Lettering class

Jennifer changing plans after her blue paint exploded. I think she gets the award for furthest travel from Nebraska

Becky and her partner in crime at their happy place

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Sign of a great class, very colorful hands

Sundays Bible Journaling class. Stephanie shared how she created Documented Faith and inspired us to creatively document our faith 

Thank you again to everyone who helped make this weekend run smoothly, Jill who played chauffeur; Jackie who treated us with beautiful name tags and favors and of course, tasty cookies; those of you who traveled from out of town to spend the weekend with us; those new to Paper Crown, we hope you will come create with us again; my girls who call Paper Crown their happy place- there wouldn't be a PC without you and you bless me constantly and finally,
Stephanie who inspired us to create! You are officially a Paper Crown girl !

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