
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Mama Moment

This post has absolutely nothing to do with Paper Crown, classes, glitter or creativity but more to do with hard work, sacrifice, sweat, determination, special bond and a whole lot of carpooling, washing, cheering, worrying and praying. I try not to bore you with a lot of kid stuff; I know a lot of truly amazing kiddos and I have met many of yours and they definitely fall in that category. However, Em got an award this week and his mama feels he desires a little time in the spotlight.

Em was named offensive player of the week by his coaches at Bishop McGuiness. This mama thinks that is a pretty big deal,  especially since he is on the line. The linemen are the worker bees, getting the job done so the quarterbacks can make the pass and the receivers can score the touchdown. They usually don't get their names called over the PA and the stands don't rise and cheer like crazy when they do a good job because they allow their teammates to finish the job- and score. I once asked Em if he would like to play a different position with a little more "glitz" (there I got in a glitter derivative) but he said "No, I've always played center." He has been center for a long time, I think 2nd grade. He is my quiet leader and this mom is proud of him and his teammates.

The Fighting Irish are District Champs and will begin playoffs next week.
Aren't these pictures great! We have a dad, Kane Hammersly, who has taken pictures at every game since middle school. We are so very blessed to have this talented dad. Someday I will have a lot to scrapbook. Wonder how Kane feels about paper & glitter, what an improvement that would be to my blog photos!
Next post will be all about the glitter- I promise!
Some things NEVER change!
a boy's love of mud & a mama's love of her little mudball


  1. I know how you feel My son played soccer & tennis. And my grandson played basketball, football, ran track, but ended up excelling at golf! Lots of cheering, laundry & fun!! Em deserves some cheers; lineman work hard!

  2. I loved hearing you express your love for him! Congrats to you both!

  3. And yes you should be proud of that young man. Cindy he is a great kid and takes after his attention is exactly how you are and that is a great trait to have.....I have enjoyed seeing Em grow up to the sweet kid he has always been....from dancing and singing in school plays to now on that field and bright lights! He deserves to be on the loud speaker! Go Em!

  4. Awww... I loved reading this!!! SO proud of him! :)
