
Sunday, November 1, 2015

That was QUICK!!!

Chris' Paper Marbling class sold out in record time so we have added a second date for all of you who weren't quite fast enough. Same class just a second date.

Additional Paper Marbling Class
Thurs., Dec. 10th
Chris, $30
Please bring an apron.

I also heard from the wonderful Terri Brush that a couple of spots opened up in her sold out
bezel necklace class. These classes have been sold out for quite a while so it could be your lucky day! For those of you from out of town, this is also our Glitter Market weekend so you can kill two birds with one stone.

Bezel Necklace Class
 Thurs., Nov. 19th
To sign up for either of these popular classes, call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389.

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