
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

What a Fun, Fun Weekend

What a great weekend we had of creating and friendships, both old and new! Terri Brush had been on my bucket list of teachers I wanted at Paper Crown and last week it finally happened. Thank you to Heather Ales who planted this wonderful idea and then made sure it became a reality. Thanks to Billie who was the best surprise EVER! We are all better for having met you Miss Billie; I hope you will continue to share your special "Billie magic" for many, many, many years to come and your sphere of influence will grow by leaps and bounds.

A special thank you to the talented  Terri Brush for making the trek to OKC. You graciously and patiently shared your passion and talent with us. I'm pretty sure you have a whole classroom of soldering converts. We all had such a wonderful time and can't wait for your return- yep, girls Terri WILL be coming back- Yipee!!! Thank you Terri for a magical weekend: your fairy dust is welcome at Paper Crown any time.



A very, very special thank you to everyone who attended Terri's workshops this weekend. Man do ya'll make OK, Paper Crown and myself look good. Once again a teacher is blown away by how nice everyone is at Paper Crown. Ya'll are the BEST - You make me happy! 

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