
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

1st Treat of 2016 from Terri Brush

I have been a little slow getting things up and running for 2016- maybe I need one of those fun planners that have everyone buzzing ( we have them and more on those soon!)- but I think you will absolutely love what we have in store for 2016 and especially our first reveal for 2016.

So very many of you enjoyed our weekend this fall with Terri Brush, Heather and Billie. We made some beautiful projects, met some new friends and we all drooled over the pictures of Terri's new studio in OR. Well guess what ladies, Terri is hosting a private retreat at her OR studio just for us Paper Crown girls. You read correctly, we are hoping on a plane and headed to the Northeast. We will enjoy a welcome dinner at Terri's home (she is an amazing cook) and then we will have 2 days of classes and then head to Portland for an Antique Show. It's the perfect girl's weekend and guess what, we will be in beautiful cool OR while everyone at home is sweltering in the OK heat! This really couldn't be more perfect!

Here is a link to the retreat . Class space is limited so I would not wait too long. You sign up directly through Terri's website but if you would also let me know so we can plan roommates and transportation.
What a great start to 2016!
 It's going to be a fantastic year!