
Monday, January 4, 2016

First Week of 2016

Wow! I can't believe another year has passed. 2015 was such a fun and busy year at Paper Crown and 2016 is looking to be even busier with more surprises. I'm taking this week to move Christmas out and the new in. This week also marks the beginning of CHA market and the new lines and products look pretty amazing- after only one day!

While I'm busy planning and rearranging, thought I'd let you all know that the Christmas is all 40% off and Valentine collections are out ( a couple more should be here today) and a fun line of sports papers. Yea for cute boy lines!

We are working on January classes and the big surprises for 2016 so keep checking this week. You will love what we have in store. In the meantime Medeah is kicking off our 2016 classes with...

Winter Girl
this Thursday, Jan. 7th
We still have room and what a great way
 to creatively start off  2016
To sign up call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389

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