
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Love to See Your Smiling Face....

... in one of Krystal's Brush Calligraphy classes this Saturday. I know you want to learn how to address a gorgeous envelope or just have the prettiest grocery list in town. Both are beginning classes so no experience needed for either. Krystal provides all the materials and treats. This is a perfect outing for you and your girlfriends!

if you prefer black & white
Brush Calligraphy
Sat., Feb. 20th
Krystal, $100
or if color is what you crave

Water Color Calligraphy
Sat., Feb. 20th
Krystal, $100
Still a few spots open in each class. To register, call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389.
I hope we see your smilin' face! 

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