
Wednesday, April 6, 2016


épuisé- French for so very sorry but the Paper Crown Retreat is Sold Out!

We are thrilled to have a full house for the retreat. For those of you attending, supply list and itinerary will be coming shortly. In the meantime, I know many of you are working on your swaps- a Character Construction paper doll, bracelet and shoe full of flea market treasures. Everyone just needs to make one of each and we will swap at the retreat.  You can participate in one, two, three or none of the swaps; the choice is yours. However, I guarantee if you don't do one, you will be wishing you did.

We are honored you will be joining us for a Parisian adventure!


  1. "C'est dommage" might be a better phrase to use, it means, It's too bad. In my Harper Collins French Dictionary épuisé is an adjective meaning exhausted and in the case of a book, it means "out of date".

    Anyway, I sure wish I was nearby so I could have taken that last place for the Glitter Retreat. Pictures and descriptions of previous ones have left me wondering why I am living so far away from your store!!!???

    Mary in Oregon

  2. Yea! I'm happy we'll have a full house! It is going to be so fun and so enlightening.
