
Friday, May 6, 2016

Jackie's French Journal Class and Temari

What a great class to wrap up the 2016 Glitter Retreat. Jackie's easy teaching method was perfect for a busy weekend and all the excitement created by the paper doll swap ( coming soon!) This journal was the perfect  place to store our memories of Glitter Retreat and Jackie graciously made each of the teachers a journal.

Only Jackie can make a pink box look exquisite!

Jackie also made all the nametags for the retreat. Charlene, Charlene the Beauty Queen this one is headed to Houston- Thanks for the treat ! Pot luck roomies are the best OX
Another Jackie touch

No plastic bags for this group
We wrapped up Glitter Retreat with a couple of special treats. Since everyone is such a huge fan of Catherine's Character Construction stamps, the expert on paper dolls, Jackie Peters, shared her favorite tips and tricks with the group. Based on the number of stamps that flew out the door, I predict many paper dolls popping up on Facebook, instagram and blogs.
Our friend Greg from CA sharing a few of the many Temari balls he has created.



I believe Greg said this was his first Temari ball he created in a day. He swears we can do it so be on the look out for a class.

I was thrilled when I found out Greg would be attending our Glitter Retreat because last time he was at the store he told us about Temari Ball, an ancient Japanese art form. These originated as toys for children- can you imagine. Most of us had never heard of it but were immediately intrigued by this intricate art form. Greg gave us the history and a quick overview of how these gorgeous thread ball are created. They are beautiful and Greg swears that we can all learn in a day class so we will be holding him to that promise. Be warned Greg I am persistent, ask Catherine.  It was a joy to have Greg at the store and we are anxious for his return!

What a great team! Thanks for manning the counter Amy, YOU ROCK! Did ya'll notice our shrinking Amy- She rules the register & Crossfit!

The California girls- Elisa and Alice drove all the way from California to attend the retreat. It was such an honor to have you ladies! ox

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