
Friday, August 12, 2016

Kid's Camp Recap

It was a busy and one of my favorite weeks of the year at Paper Crown-  Kid's Camp. Actually this year it was more Teens Camp. Dynamics were a little different this year having all middle schoolers. We were able to do more involved projects and prepare a couple of back to school projects. It was a fun few days with these 5 sweet girls. An added bonus, I now know more about Justin Bieber than all my friends- and possibly any adult other than his mother ; )




Here's just a smidgen of what we created this week. A couple of this girls I have had since 1st grade so it has been fun to watch them grow up. Hope you girls have a great school year and thanks for creating with me this week!

In the meantime while we were creating, the boxes were stacking up in the back. 8 boxes to go through today including Authentique, Simple Stories & Graphic 45. Come and check out all the new fall & Halloween.

Mark you Calendars for next Friday & Saturday, August 19th & 20th for our Holiday in the Heat Sale. More on this sale soon.

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