
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A Very Special Treat from Jenn of Noodle & Lou

I love it when customers give me tips on fabulous artists and this gem came from Robin T this summer. She sent this picture with the comment, wouldn't this be fun! I totally agreed and Jenn happened to be close- relatively speaking in Ft Worth.

Jenn wasn't able to vend at Glitter Market this year but was free to come teach this adorable Holiday class on Sunday, Nov. 13th following Glitter Market. Jenn created this project last year for an article in Better Homes & Garden. These nutcracker ornaments are fun and will be perfect on your tree or a gift for a special friend.

Special Holiday Guest Artist
 Spool Hat Ornaments Class
Sun., Nov. 13th
Jenn McGlon of Noodle and Lou
My early Holiday present to all you
 Paper Crown girls!
Learn how to make Jenn McGlon's nutcracker spool hat ornaments.  These were a
featured project in the Better Homes & Garden holiday issue last year!  We'll
use vintage thread spools, wooden balls, paints and lots of ribbons, trims and
fun bits to make these cheery fellows.  Jenn will provide supplies to make 2 - 3
ornaments per student... but bring your own glue gun and any special trims or
adornments you might want to use.  these are so much fun to make, you'll want to
fill a whole tree with them!

I have a feeling this class will fill quickly so don't dilly dally around- love that saying, I bet Girdie would say that- call Paper Crown today at 405 848-2389  to sign up for this adorable Sunday class and help us welcome Jenn to Paper Crown!
Here are a couple more pictures of Jenn's whimsical art...

( I've read your minds, wouldn't one of these dolls be fun for our Spring Glitter Retreat - wink, wink)


  1. Love Jenn! Had the blessing of meeting her in Charlotte & Meleen's Vermont Retreat... hmmmm might have to save up for the Spring Retreat... xoxox

  2. Love Jenn! Had the blessing of meeting her in Charlotte & Meleen's Vermont Retreat... hmmmm might have to save up for the Spring Retreat... xoxox
