
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Glitter Market Sneak Peek- Monica Johnson

Aren't these absolutely gorgeous!  This is another one of those stories where whether you choose to call it a coincidence or a little god nudge, it is all good and those attending Glitter Market will be the real winners.

Several months ago a lady from out of town came into the store looking for the latest " Where Women Create" because she had a friend whose art was being featured. I remember looking at these gorgeous lace covered stones and being amazed at the juxtaposition of something so common, a stone, being covered in intricate crocheted lace. It was such a unique piece of art and I wanted to check into the artist and then...boxes arrived, classes got in full swing, holidays began and it slipped my mind. A couple of weeks ago the friend came back into the store, reminded me of her friend's beautiful creations and we began scheming. Monica had never done a craft show and Glitter Market seemed to be the perfect show to get her feet wet. I emailed Monica and lucky for us, she will be a new vendor at this year's Glitter Market.


I know we will all be swooning over Monica's lovelies and I am so thrilled to have her joining our talented group of artists. I can't wait to meet Monica and see these beauties in person.  
Our Glitter Market is off to a beautiful start and I promise you will not want to miss!

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