
Friday, January 13, 2017

Closed today and probably tomorrow- 1/13/17 & 1/14/17

I have gone back and forth this am but have decided to close today and if the massive ice storm hits later as predicted, tomorrow also. In reality I have decided to enjoy my electricity while I can- my electricity always goes out and the record is a whooping 15 days! I REALLY don't want to do that again. I have tons of catalogs so will spend the day ordering for the store.

I hope you all enjoy your day at home and hopefully you are creating. Send me a picture of what you created this weekend, I think that would make a fun blog posting for next week. The class schedule for January & February is up, in addition to our special guest artist in February, Colleen Moody.
This fun vintage heart pillow class is next Thursday evening, Jan. 19th at 5:30. The perfect project for a winter evening.
Springtime Pleasure taught by Colleen Moody on Sunday, February 26th.To sign up for classes,
 call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389.

 And to brighten your day, can you guess who will be coming in March from this pic?

Stay Safe and Warm and Send Me Pictures of your Ice Storm Projects : )


  1. Stay warm, Cindy! Fingers crossed that your power stays on.

  2. That is none other than Stephanie Ackerman! She's the best!
