
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Cowgirl Round-up

Howdy Ya'll! We have us the cutest round-up of cowgirls you have ever seen. The Character Construction Blue Daisy stamps are here and I know you will want to grab these before they hit the trail (corny I know but the stamps are adorable).


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Perfect for your Faith Projects

Two new lines and lots of embellishments from Illustrated Faith and Simple stories will make documenting your faith meaningful and vibrant.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Classes This Week

We have a couple of fun and unique classes to close out February. It is going to be a good week at Paper Crown! 
Floral Watercolor
Thurs., Feb. 23rd
Angie, $45
Our February guest artist is the talented Colleen Moody. Her paper clay dolls are frequently featured in the Somerset Studio magazines and we are thrilled to have this California girl at Paper Crown. I bet Colleen is thrilled to leave all the rain in California for a weekend- let's keep our fingers crossed for clear sunny skies!  


Springtime Pleasure
Sun., Feb. 26th
Colleen Moody, $120
Join Colleen as you create this sweet, blooming Spring bunny.  In this class you will sculpt a little rabbit, paint, antique and dress her.  You will then use wonderful vintage millinery flowers and glass glitter to create her arch.  Her base is constructed with a piece of old baluster.

Student Supply List
sewing needle and thread
wire cutters
round nose pliers
paintbrushes-medium size and a short liner brush
approximate 12" x4" piece of lace or a handkerchief (for her skirt)
We hope you will join us for these classes!
To sign up for class, call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389

Monday, February 20, 2017

While I was Away

While I was away Amy was busy checking in a little of this and a little of that. Paper, stamps, coloring books, paint, magazines just a little bit of something for everyone. Easter is going out and so is all the new !

Thursday, February 16, 2017


I am shocked and humbled by the response to our announcement for the 2017 Paper Crown Glitter Retreat, Queen Girdie's Glitter Jubilee. I am thrilled to announce we only have 4 seats available.

So many of you are return attendees and that is the biggest moist sincere compliment- Thank you!

Here is the link for the retreat description Based on the past two days, I wouldn't delay if you are interested.

I promise you it will be a weekend fit for a Queen!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Finishing Up the Month Strong

February is only half way through but it seems like we have been able to cram a month's worth of activities in 15 short days. We are not going to be resting the remainder of the month but finishing strong with three unique classes.

Paper Marbling
Thurs., Feb. 16th
Chris, $45
I know I shouldn't be partial but I do love, love, love this class-  It's magical! I know I sound like a broken record but if you haven't ever taken this class you are missing out on a fun evening. I promise you will find a use for this beautiful paper.
Chris likes to change up this class each time she teaches it so feel free tomorrow night to bring your own paper such as tags or book print  to marble in addition to the sheets provided by Chris.
There is still room to sign up- don't forget your apron!
 Floral Watercolor
Thurs., Feb. 23rd
Angie, $45
Springtime Pleasure
Sun., Feb. 26th
Colleen Moody,  $120
Join Colleen as you create this sweet, blooming Spring bunny.  In this class we will sculpt a little rabbit, paint, antique and dress her.  We will then use wonderful vintage millinery flowers and glass glitter to create her arch.  Her base is constructed with a piece of old baluster.
Student Supply List
sewing needle and thread
wire cutters
round nose pliers
paintbrushes-medium size and a short liner brush
approximate 12" x4" piece of lace or a handkerchief (for her skirt) 
We have a few spots available in all three classes
To sign up call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389

Over the Moon

I love it when the day starts off on such a high note. I thought it was going to be good day because I got a latte- boy, did I undershoot it! As I was walking into the store this am, the phone was ringing with the most wonderful surprise. One of my most favorite people in the world, and one of the kindest, is coming all the way from NJ to attend Glitter Retreat.

The joyful Miss Marlene will be in the house for Glitter Retreat and I am over the moon excited! You all are going to love this talented, kind lady and I am excited to introduce her to the equally kind and talented Paper Crown girls. I'm like a mamma who has all her kiddos home for the holidays- happy, happy, happy! Who knows this could be a mini LDV retreat- I'd love to have rest of you, hint, hint!

Sign up went great yesterday, we are already half way full. If you missed yesterday's post below is the link. It really will be a special weekend and I hope you consider joining us.

Didn't Angie do a great job ! This just makes me smile too!

By the way a dance party has been added to the retreat festivities, we can call it a royal ball but it will be a dance party!

Thanks for making my day ladies- Cool beans! ; )

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2017 Spring Glitter Retreat


By Royal Proclamation, we are honored to announce the 2017 Paper Crown Glitter Retreat, Queen Girdie's Glitter Jubilee! We are planning a celebration befitting a Queen-or 24 to be more precise. 

Thursday, April 20th

On Thursday evening we will meet at 6:30 pm for a welcome dinner at one of our favorite restaurants (we are still ironing out some details). Over a glass of wine and a scrumptious meal, you will get an opportunity to meet your fellow members of the "Royal Court."  I know we will not want to leave but since we have a full day of  creating on Friday, it's off to bedchambers for a good night's sleep and sweet dreams.
 Thursday's gathering is not an "official" part of our Glitter Retreat but we know you would love an opportunity to get to know each other and the artists before the fun begins. Typically a majority of attendees make this get together and we hope you will join us. Attendees are responsible for Thursday's dinner.

Friday, April 21st

We will begin the day by meeting at Paper Crown at 9:00 am. After breakfast, we will start our first class around 9:30 am.  This year we will have three projects but one project will take two class sessions. Each of the four class sessions will be approximately 3 hours. Some might take a tad longer and others a bit shorter, but three hours will be our general guideline. Around 12:30 we will break for a catered lunch and our first swap. The Royal processional will then be off for a little excursion for some creative inspiration and a little shopping. 

We will then return to Paper Crown mid afternoon for tea and crumpets and our  second class session. At the conclusion of class, we will head up to the Paper Attic for a "royal banquet." Following dinner we will have our second swap.  All of Friday's activities, except  any purchases made while shopping, are included in the Glitter Retreat cost.

Saturday, April 22nd

At 9:30 am we will meet at Paper Crown for a quick breakfast and begin the first class around 10:00 am. After a morning of creating, we will break for a delicious catered lunch around 1:00 pm in the Paper Attic. Our third swap will take place after lunch. The final class will begin around 2:30 pm and we should be done around 6:00 pm.  All of Saturday's activities are included in the Glitter Retreat cost

  * this is a proposed timetable and may change a bit; we are still in the planning stages. 


What a royal treat we have for you! We have none other than Jenn McGlon  " Queen of  Art  Dolls" joining us this year at Glitter Retreat as our guest artist. Last summer a good friend showed me a picture of the cutest trio of Jenn's dolls and said " Have you SEEN these?!!" I had not, but immediately knew it was an artist I wanted in our "court."  After Jenn's class this winter, I knew I had found my guest artist for Glitter Retreat. Jenn is a fun teacher who will share her talent and expertise, a smile and a steady hand if you need help painting a face; ) 

As you can imagine, Jenn's dolls take a longer than a three hour class so we will be spending one day creating a very special Paper Crown Royal Highness.  I am excited to see the finished doll and from the quick  and animated response when I told her our theme, I know it will be a "jewel".  

Visit Jenn at

Angie Meyers has been in the Paper Crown "court" for several years and we are so lucky to have her. She is our "Queen of Paint" and we love her carefree style and classes. Angie has quickly become a store and retreat favorite. Angie painted our cute retreat icons and I love their fresh twist on royalty - and how they break up this very long post. 

Angie's project is the obvious, a royal crown, but I promise it will be unlike any crown you have ever seen. This crown is for the most noble of all queens- youask and you shall receive Suzy Q

Every royal dynasty has a "crown jewel," that one piece that represents the monarchy and means so much to the kingdom. Paper Crown's jewel has to be Jackie Peters. She has taught at Paper Crown since the beginning and her touch is on almost everything in this glitter kingdom.  We are thrilled she entered the crown contest almost 11 years ago because it changed the course of the store.  
For Jackie's project she is teaming up with Paper Whimsy to take one of their alterables to a royal level. The bare wood alterable is adorable so I can only imagine what a jewel Jackie will create. Visit Jackie at
Photos of all three projects are coming very soon- as you all know, sometimes the creative process takes all kinds of twists and turns but I promise you each project will be fit for a queen.
What art retreat would be complete without a swap or two? We will have three swaps, two on Friday and one on Saturday. All three swaps will assist Queen Girdie in her preparation for her Glitter Jubilee  (we aren't yet at 50 or 75 years but we nevertheless thought 5 years was something that needed celebrating.)  The three swaps are "Royal Wardrobe" , " Royal Crown" and "Token of Affection."

For the "Royal Wardrobe" swap we will provide you a 8x10 version of a royal mannequin. You will then create a royal gown from paper for Queen Girdie. We can't wait to see what each royal seamstress creates but we know Queen Girdie will have the most spectacular wardrobe of all the heads of state.

For the " Royal Crown"  we ask that you create the most spectacular paper crown fit for a queen.

Our final swap, "Token of Affection" is a paper flower bouquet. We have all seen as the Queen is on her "royal walkabouts" she is often showered with small tussie mussies of flowers from adoring subjects. We ask that you create a small paper bouquet to honor our Queen Girdie.  

I like to keep the swap guidelines pretty basic because I have found you always come up with something more spectacular than I could have ever imagined. The swaps are optional and you can do all, two, one or none. Please just choose what you are comfortable doing.  I will, however,  tell you that the ladies in the past who did not participated were disappointed they had not joined in on the fun. 

If you are interested in coordinating a swap please let me know.
We are hoping our retreat will not only draw from the OKC area but also some of you who have been following us through our blog, Instagram and Facebook. We have a variety of hotels close to the store and would be happy to give you recommendations.  If you are coming from out of town please let us know, we want to make sure and give you a special Oklahoma welcome and will help to accommodate you in any way possible.
We will have some of our meals in the Paper Attic at the store. It is a fun, creative space but is only assessable by stairs.
This will be our fifth Paper Crown Glitter Retreat. To get an overview of what you might expect this magical weekend visit
Registration for the spring 2017 Paper Crown Glitter Retreat, Queen Girdie's Glitter Jubilee, begins today, February 14th. Space is limited to 24. A deposit of $200 is required to register and the balance charged on April 20th. Cost of the retreat is $475 but we are offering an early bird special of $425 for those who register between February 14th-February 28th. Beginning March 1st the price will be $475. Registration and payment can be made by calling Paper Crown at  405 848-2389 with a credit card or just stopping by the store. All sales are final.  If you are unable to attend all or any part of the retreat, your kit/kits will be available after April 22nd. Instructions are not included. 

Included in Glitter Retreat Cost

-3 classes and most supplies
- Retreat favors
Breakfast and lunch Friday and Saturday
- Dinner Friday
-Snacks and beverages Friday and Saturday
-Class giveaways
-Private shopping and a 20% discount all weekend
-Many other surprises both large and small throughout the weekend

We so hope you will join us for the

 2017 Paper Crown
Queen Girdie's Glitter Jubilee
April 20-22nd
Everyone Needs to be Queen for a Weekend!
To register for retreat call Paper Crown
 at 405 848-2389


Happy Valentine's Day


Happy Valentine's Day!
Your treat will be here soon! ox

Monday, February 13, 2017

This Time Tomorrow

This Time Tomorrow
 2017 Paper Crown Glitter Retreat will be announced!
We can't wait to share this year's celebration with you.
 It is going to be an event fit for a queen!
Retreat information and sign up goes live tomorrow,
Tues.,Feb. 14th at noon.

In Less than Two Short Weeks

In less than two short weeks the creatively talented Colleen Moody will be at Paper Crown to teach this beauty. Colleen is at the top of her craft and has been featured in many of the Somerset Studios publications. You won't want to miss this fun Sunday. We still have a few seats left so I hope you will join us! Call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389 to register.
P.S. I have from a good source that Colleen is bringing some of her amazing millinery treasures for you to purchase- swoon!
Springtime Pleasure
Sun., Feb. 26th
Colleen Moody, $120
Join me as we create this sweet, blooming Spring bunny.  In this class we will sculpt a little rabbit, paint, antique and dress her.  We will then use wonderful vintage millinery flowers and glass glitter to create her arch.  Her base is constructed with a piece of old baluster.

Student Supply List

sewing needle and thread


wire cutters

round nose pliers

paintbrushes-medium size and a short liner brush

approximate 12" x4" piece of lace or a handkerchief (for her skirt)

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Magnolia Jane

Just put out this beautiful new line by Heidi Swapp. I think ya'll will Love it! It is almost as pretty as this gorgeous day we are having today. Hurry up 4pm, I want to go outside!

Have a GREAT weekend!

Friday, February 10, 2017

A Little Treat From Stephanie

A little Friday "happy" from our friend, Stephanie Ackerman

You don't want to miss this fun weekend!
To sign up call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389.
Please check your calendars carefully, this class is nonrefundable.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How to Make the Perfect Valentine

Look no further, I have the solution for the perfect Valentine's and a little sweet extra that is guaranteed to seal the deal. Remember when you were little and sat at your table with those round safety scissors, some construction paper, a doilies and created your very own Valentine for your parents or that special friend? Remember their reaction? They Loved it and proclaimed it was the best Valentine ever. It wasn't because it came from the right store or was the right brand but because YOU made it! Wouldn't it be fun to get that same reaction again. You can, and we will give you a little push in the right direction.
A couple of classes and a little time in the kitchen can produce those same squeals of delight and a totally thoughtful, unique and handmade Valentine's. Join us for Jackie's Valentine Tag Workshop  on Thursday evening. You will learn all the techniques and tips to make these 3 valentine's tags and I bet you will be inspired to go home and whip up a few more " uniquely you" valentine's.
Valentine Tag Workshop
Thurs., Feb. 9th
Jackie, $25
Now on to step 2, the beautifully addressed envelope or heartfelt message. Krystal is the best Brush Calligraphy teacher in town and she will instruct you on all the basics so with practice, you will master calligraphy and take your handwriting to a whole new level.
Brush Calligraphy
Sat., Feb. 11th
Krystal, $100
Cost includes all supplies so after class you will ready to practice at home.
Now that you have your Valentine made and your sweethearts name has never looked more beautiful, it's time for a little something sweet to make sure they will always be your "sweetie." I first made these brownies for a Paper Crown retreat and they have made many appearances at McGuiness football functions this year. They are sometimes referred to as "crack." You have been warned ; )

Peanut Butter Carmel Toffee Chocolate Chip Cookie

    Caramel Filling
  • 11 oz bag vanilla caramels
  • 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
  • 4 Tbls butter
  • Cookie Dough
  • 12 Tbls unsalted butter
  • 2 c light brown sugar
  • 1/2 c creamy peanut butter
  • 2 eggs, room temperature
  • 1 Tbls vanilla
  • 2 c flour
  • 1 c old fashioned oats
  • 2 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 cup chocolate chips
  • 1 cup Reese's peanut butter chips
  • 1 cup Heath toffee bits
  • Instructions
    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
    2. Line a 9x13 inch baking dish with parchment paper.
    3. Unwrap caramels and place in a small saucepan with butter and sweetened condensed milk.
    4. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until caramels have fully melted and the mixture is nice and smooth
    5. Cream butter and sugar together in a large mixing bowl. Add peanut butter and continue mixing.
    6. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well after each egg. Add in vanilla.
    7. Combine flour, oats, baking powder, and salt in a small mixing bowl.
    8. Add the flour mixture slowly stirring until well combined.
    9. Stir in the chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, and toffee bits.
    10. Spread 2/3 of the dough on the bottom of the pan.
    11. Slowly pour caramel mixture evenly over the dough.
    12. Drop the remaining dough on top by the teaspoon. It doesn't have to be perfect!
    13. Bake for about 30 minutes. Let cool completely and then cut into bars.
I know you want to take those classes,
 to reserve your spot call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389  

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

My Mind's Eye Has It Covered

The new lines from one of our favorites, My Mind's Eye, appear to have all the bases covered in one release. This "In Bloom" collection is gorgeous, what I have come to love about MME. Although it isn't a Valentine's line it definitely could be or also perfect for wedding, prom or mom projects.
 "Hey Mister" is a fun line for all the guys in your life. The cooper foil is a fresh twist and who can resist those adorable bulldogs. They even have a maroon sweater so that perfect for all you Edmond girls.
Spring break is just around the corner and the tropical " Palm Beach" is perfect for your beach pics and projects. The flamingos and pineapples are sure to be a hit.
 For the cat lover's " Meow" will have you purring!
All 4 lines have lots of embellishments and the first 3 have sheets with gold or cooper foil. Lots of new product arriving this week in addition to MME. New Prima just came a knockin' and a reship of the embellishments from the new American Crafts lines will be here tomorrow in addition to beautiful new felt. It's a great week at the Happy Place!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Hearts Aflutter

You can definitely tell Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Red, pink, glitter and hearts are flying around the classroom today as the girl's and Jackie are creating their Valentine Paper Doll books.  If you are disappointed you missed today's class, we have one more opportunity for a Valentine's treat before the 14th.

Valentine Tag Workshop
Thurs., Feb. 9th
Jackie, $25
To sign up for the workshop, call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389.
Lots of beautiful new lines and more arriving next week including My Mind's Eye and Prima.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

I Have Feet

For all of you lucky ladies that were able to take Terri's Vintage Shadowbox class last Sunday, the feet to your box are here so you are welcome to swing by and pick them up.

February Classes and Events

What is not to love about February. It's a month full of red, pink, hearts and chocolate! We got off to a great start in January and ending the month in the most perfect way, a weekend with Terri Brush! We love that girl and she is always welcome here.

Luckily February looks like it will be very similar to January, full of fun classes and wrapping up the month with the talented Colleen Moody. Terri and Colleen are friends and Terri assured me we are in for a wonderful treat and another artist we will welcome back time and again. Colleen has been featured in more Somerset publications than I can count and an experienced teacher. We still have a few spots left for her class on the 26th so you are in luck.

Here is the rundown for the month:

Valentine Tray
this Thurs., Feb. 2nd
Jackie, $45
Valentine Tag Book
Sat., Feb. 4th
Jackie, $45
Valentine Tag Workshop
Thurs., Feb. 9th
Jackie, $25
Brush Calligraphy
Sat., Feb. 11th
Krystal, $100
Tentative Date for Paper Crown
2017 Glitter Retreat
Sign up
if all goes as planned, we will announce our spring retreat on the 14th and sign up will begin
Paper Marbling
Thurs., Feb. 16th
Chris, $45
Sheets to marble will be provided but if you would like to bring your own paper such as tags, bookprint or cards you are welcome to do so.
Floral Watercolor
Thurs., Feb. 23rd
Angie, $45
Springtime Pleasure
Sun., Feb. 26th
Colleen Moody, $120
Join me as we create this sweet, blooming Spring bunny.  In this class we will sculpt a little rabbit, paint, antique and dress her.  We will then use wonderful vintage millinery flowers and glass glitter to create her arch.  Her base is constructed with a piece of old baluster.

Student Supply List
sewing needle and thread
wire cutters
round nose pliers
paintbrushes-medium size and a short liner brush
approximate 12" x4" piece of lace or a handkerchief (for her skirt)

To sign up for class, call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389
In addition to these great classes, more and more Creativation products will be arriving at the store-
 it's a creative girls most favorite time of the year~