
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Over the Moon

I love it when the day starts off on such a high note. I thought it was going to be good day because I got a latte- boy, did I undershoot it! As I was walking into the store this am, the phone was ringing with the most wonderful surprise. One of my most favorite people in the world, and one of the kindest, is coming all the way from NJ to attend Glitter Retreat.

The joyful Miss Marlene will be in the house for Glitter Retreat and I am over the moon excited! You all are going to love this talented, kind lady and I am excited to introduce her to the equally kind and talented Paper Crown girls. I'm like a mamma who has all her kiddos home for the holidays- happy, happy, happy! Who knows this could be a mini LDV retreat- I'd love to have rest of you, hint, hint!

Sign up went great yesterday, we are already half way full. If you missed yesterday's post below is the link. It really will be a special weekend and I hope you consider joining us.

Didn't Angie do a great job ! This just makes me smile too!

By the way a dance party has been added to the retreat festivities, we can call it a royal ball but it will be a dance party!

Thanks for making my day ladies- Cool beans! ; )


  1. So excited!!! Resting my happy feet because there is NO WAY I'm missing this dance party with special friends!!!

  2. Count me in. I love a dance party with awesome friends!
