
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Meet My Dear Friend

Probably the most special blessing of owning Paper Crown is the many special friendships I have made over the 11 years. I have meet so, so many special people here in OKC, across the USA and even the world- that still amazes me, especially for a quiet introvert.

One of most treasured friends I have met in this artful adventure is Carolyn Peeler. Carolyn hosts the La Dolce Vita retreat in Tuscany. I have been luck to attend this retreat a couple of times and each time I was treated like a queen by Carolyn, Terri Brush and Tiffany Kirchner-Dixon. The wonderful memories of these ladies and the special ladies I met there are very dear. It is amazing how quickly and solidly those friendships and connections form in just 7 days. If you have never been on an out of town retreat I highly encourage you, it is worth stepping out of your comfort zone.
I am so pleased to show you the current issue of Where Women Create which features an article on Carolyn's Vancouver studio. I love it when I open a Somerset and it features a friend!

So come by and meet my friend- in print- until I can talk her into coming south!

1 comment:

  1. <3 you Cindy. You have been a blessing and encouragement in my life and I can feel your support all the way up here.
    I have to admit, I had a wee chuckle when I saw the cover title...I wouldn't bill myself as a photographer, probably because I wear so many different creative hats, and still feel like I have a lot to learn. But, I'll take it! Thank you so much my friend for this wonderful welcoming of my article. So, when should I book my OK flight? ;)
