
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Thank You Friends!

This weekend we are having a FABULOUS time with Julie Haymaker ( so much more on that soon! ) but I felt today was the perfect time to say a very sincere and heart felt THANK YOU!

So very often when we make a donation or help an organization, we have an idea where our contribution is going but very few times, if ever, do we actually see the person that we are helping. I am so happy to show you who so very many of you actually helped.

You might recall I had a blog post titled Meet Hannah,
One of Katie's college roommates passed and her family and friends were working together to raise money to build a lifehome for 12 girls at the Family Legacy Village in Zambia, Africa. A couple of times a portion of the Paper Crown earnings were designated to Hannah's House and you my friends, were very generous. Well this morning at approx. 1am our time, Hannah's House opened and 12 girls  received a new safe lovely home and you were a part. I sent a little bit of Paper Crown to Africa, the girls are well stocked in art supplies and hopefully they will enjoy them as much as we do.

Thank you all for helping to make this possible- you all are angels and there is an angel in heaven ( possibly wearing sock monkey pjs that is smiling at you! )


  1. This made me cry. Happy tears, of course. So awesome! Thanks for sharing this, Cindy! ❤️

  2. This is amazing. I agree with Nan this made me cry happy tears. - Amy ��

  3. It touches my heart that such a beautiful thing has happened for these girls...Teresa
