
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Our Happy Place!

This week has gotten away from me. I think we had such a fun weekend with dear friends I really didn't want it to end! Although it's a little overdue, I just want to thank everyone who was at the store this weekend for Jenn's Holiday doll classes. What a great time of creating and connecting we all had. If I could describe a perfect Paper Crown weekend that would have been it, minus the flooding basement : )

We had ladies fly in from WA, CA and lots of drivers from TX. Thank you for taking the time and expense to join us. We loved having each and everyone of you at our " happy place."
love those bloomers
Where are you Lisa?


We turned Jenn's Holiday girl into the yummiest cookies!

We had a great time rolling and laughing over these little aliens Friday and Saturday night.

Her braided bun was adorable

Love that they were all similar but had everyone's unique touch. It was a talented room this weekend

Thank you Stephanie for flying in to take class and sharing your new book, " Faith Journaling for the Inspired Artist" and all your new fun Documented Faith products.
 We love you and you are always welcome!  

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