
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What a Great Surprise!

I have been trying to get this up for a couple of days and keep getting sidetracked- or as our good friend Stephanie says "squirrels ( kinda appropriate because they are Lexi & Maggie's favorite, well I think it's fondness they feel).

I recently got a package in the mail from Cindy Mayfield of Yapping Cat Studio. Many of you met Cindy at this year's Glitter Market and I hope ( keep your fingers crossed) she will come teach a class in OKC before April. I saw this adorable Rudolph ornament on her instagram acct and told her I needed it for my tree.

Not only did Cindy send adorable 'Ol Rudolph but these two cutie pies you might recognize. I think I squealed and cried at the same time when I saw these. They really do look like my two slightly crazy pups. Thank you Cindy it is the perfect gift!

Why don't ya'll tell Cindy who adorable these are and how much you would love to take a class from her at Paper Crown ( I'm certainly not opposed to a little peer pressure! )

So from Rudolph, Lexie & Maggie Merry Christmas!

Don't forget we will be open rest of the week until Saturday. We have lots of fun goodies that would fit in a stocking and there is always the popular Paper Crown gift card.


  1. Oh my gosh! These are the cutest! What talent! ❤️

  2. I have begged her for years to come teach and hopefully now that she made the big leap and visited us for Glitter Market maybe, just maybe she will...........And Cindy Mayfield those have got to be the cutest ornaments ever.......You are so stinking talented and I have always loved your paintings......the whimsical details are what make them so you. We are keeping our fingers crossed!
