
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Big Ol' Elephant in the Room

For quite some time now there has been an elephant in the room, or more precisely, the store - Paper Crown. For about 6 years we have tried to ignore it, push it under the rug (Lisa N. has tried to bedazzle it), just about absolutely anything to not address it because on those very few times we have, my heart breaks. Those 6 years have flown by and it is now time I have to pull up my big girl panties and announce with a very heavy heart, Paper Crown in OKC will be closing the end of April.

I have prayed that my words in this post will clearly explain why I have to move the store and how very, very blessed I have been these past 12 years and how you are not customers but dear, loved friends. We have all shared a lot of wonderful life together since August of 2006. God has brought the cream of the crop through the doors and into my heart. No lie, everyone that comes to Paper Crown to teach tells me I have the best customers of any store. I even had a lady call from out of town this week who just wanted to come to a class because everyone looks so very happy. The fact you have chosen Paper Crown to be your place to hang out has blessed me beyond measure.  I am thankful and am glad YOU were the one chosen to help me heal, thrive and definitely create!

As most of you know Austin and I married 6 years ago and after the honeymoon, we got in our cars and headed in opposite directions. We each had kiddos in school, so we decided to let them finish school uninterrupted and in the meantime, we would just burn up I -35. The baby graduated high school last year so it was time to make a decision. Several years ago, Austin was asked to direct a Waco non- profit, She is Freedom, whose goal is to build a safe house for minor girls who had been trafficked. He has tried to do this remotely but we have come to realize, Austin needs to be in Waco.

I have decided to reopen Paper Crown in Waco and see if I can, to some small degree, recreate the magical experience I have had in OKC. I am very pessimistic because I know what has made Paper Crown so very special is all of you. There is not a doubt in my mind and I feel so very sorry for those in TX. There is no way they can possibly come close to filling your boots. I hope if you head south, you will stop by but please bring Kleenex, I'll need them. I'm a big cry baby and those will be some giant tears of joy.  

We have two months together and I am going to enjoy every last second of it. We have some great classes and special events scheduled and I'm sure we will come up with more. So if you have been putting off taking that class or making the trip to OKC, you might want to reconsider. We know how to have a great time and create some pretty amazing friendships. 



You all are very, very special and I thank you for saving me. I love you guys- a lot.

With a heavy heart but one overflowing with love,



  1. This is the first time I have lived near a LSS as we recently moved here. I have not been able to take a class but have had the enjoyment of shopping. Going to miss Paper Crown. Best Wishes to you and your family!!

  2. I’m so excited for you Cindy and so sad for OKC. You are a true treasure, a beautiful friend and worthy of total happiness and joy. Waco is about to enjoy a blessing without measure. I’m pretty sure you know how much of our hearts you take with you. Hoping I get a chance to stop by.

  3. another reason for me to visit home! Cindy -- i am so sad that your store is leaving OKC but i hope that the new store is successful and is embraced by the locals.

  4. You think you’re getting rid of by MOVING? Pffft! We know how to find Waco. I may be in Utah, but by golly, I have GPS. I WILL find you! Thanks for filling the past 10+ years of my life with so much joy. It doesn’t matter what city Paper Crown is in, it will always be our #happyplace. Love you, Cindy. 💕

  5. Paper Crown, I come! See you soon!
