
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

It's NOT Scary- not one bit!

I know. You are a tad bit scared of this gorgeous painting by Cindy Mayfield and therefore; you are coming up with all kinds of crazy reasons why you shouldn't take this class on Saturday- I can't paint flowers let alone roses, my handwriting is not cute, it will look nothing like the sample and I also can't paint leaves.

Well guess what, it isn't scary at all. Cindy is going to break this 16x20 canvas down into four bite size pieces. She will show you an easy transfer method (which will be handy for lots of projects), some fun free hand (so your handwriting will look like every high school girl- and how did a generation that is constantly typing, all have amazing handwriting- it makes no sense), a simple way to paint roses (that will be worth the price of the class alone) and a little shadow work (it always makes everything look better).   So don't be a scaredy cat- You've Got This! Besides this Saturday is gong to be cold and rainy so why not spend it with your friends.

this Sat., April 7th
and to get you warmed up for Sat.....
Mended Heart
Fri., April 6th
Cindy Mayfield, $35
Moon Face
Fri., April 6th
Cindy Mayfield, $40
No excuses, come join us this weekend for three days of creative fun. This will be our last weekend of classes, so we hope you can join us.
To sign up for classes, call Paper Crown at 405 848-2389 
and just when you thought the weekend was over....
Sunday's class!!

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